2016年12月初在伊拉克北部區域戰場,一名ISIS武裝民兵在摩蘇爾一家醫院廢墟,使用疑似伊朗製的反戰車火箭彈彈藥 (HEAT高爆彈),攻擊一輛伊拉克政府軍的M1A1M戰車,火箭彈體外型看似是RPG-7,又可能是參照前蘇聯的SPG-9無後座力火箭設計開發,但這款武器落在ISIS手中,讓伊拉克政府軍吃足苦頭
*註: 據情報指出,伊斯蘭國(IS)民兵中已經出現不少「東突」民兵參加中東地區的戰爭,請注意影片中手持火箭彈的民兵疑似有著蒙古人臉孔,很有可能是中亞地區某些激進份子成員
Iraqi M1A1M Abrams tank gets hit by what seems to be an Iranian Tandem HEAT warhead for RPG-7. It is already well-known fact that Iranian made weapons are used in Syrian and Iraq wars by multiple factions and also not so rarely by ISIS terrorists. It is suspected that this warhead is designed as a copy of the Soviet SPG-9 73mm anti-tank recoiless gun round that dates back to 1962 when it entered in serial production.
Now I would like to explain the background context of the video. This footage was recorded during the battle of Mosul, more precisely during the fighting for the Mosul’s Al Salam hospital. Iraqi 9th Armored Division, a mechanized armor unit, captured the hospital on December 6, 2016, and come close within a few kilometers from Tigris river, which separates the city in half, the western and eastern city. Already a couple of hours later, on the night of 6 to 7 December, ISIS terrorist forces launched a fierce counter-attack to retake the lost neighborhoods and the Mosul's hospital. Iraqi forces were repealed back two kilometers and lost the hospital that they captured earlier. During this counter-attack carried out by ISIS terrorists, Iraqi forces suffered major casualties. According to different sources, 20 soldiers were killed and even more, including civilians, were wounded before the corridor for the retreat was established by Iraqi special forces (ISF). According to the ISIS-run Amaq news agency, more than 20 various army vehicles were destroyed. As stated by Reuter, UN reports from the earlier November of the same year tell that Iraqi Army suffered 2 000 casualties. If these numbers together with a propaganda video released by ISIS are taken into consideration, it can be said that ISIS terrorists that were holding the city were more than capable of fighting the urban warfare against armor. But the struggle of the Iraqi army to liberate the city can be explained by taking into account a number of reasons. First and probably the biggest reason is the civilian population of the city. Due to civilians in the city, the Iraqi forces and an international coalition led by America were restricted to conduct air raids and artillery strikes which resulted in longer liberation campaign. Off course, taking city even without civilian population is a hard job, considering that the holders of the city had time to fortify their defences.
Iranian RPG Warhead sources:
1 - https://fas.org/irp/world/iran/smallarms.pdf
2 - https://books.google.hr/books…
3 - https://www.google.com/url…
Battle of Mosul news sources:
1 - https://www.funker530.com/mosul-hospital/
2 - https://www.usnews.com/…/iraq-sends-reinforcements-to-easte…
3 - http://gulfnews.com/…/daesh-launches-overnight-attack-again…
4 - https://www.iraqinews.com/…/iraqi-troops-withdraw-isis-att…/
5 - https://www.google.hr/…/isis-mosul-latest-battle-iraq-city-…
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根據聯合國人口司(UN Population Division)的推算,到2030年,中國的老年撫養比(65歲以上人口與工作年齡人口之比)將翻一番,達到30%:這個老齡化速度遠遠高於世界整體水平。
一些經濟學家認為,這些改革不足以保障養老金領取者的生計。“我不再認為中國的體制可以改革,”諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、曾就中國養老金改革與人合著一本書的彼得•戴蒙德(Peter Diamond)表示,“它必須被拆解開,然後從頭開始重建。”
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