InnoVEX Pier 5 第1場活動將以德國為主題,外貿協會於9月30日在即將開幕的台北WeWork空間辦理座談會,並邀請德國指標企業Audi、H.Spectrum & Merck Innovation Lab、德國經濟辦事處、杜塞道夫台貿中心以及今年參與IFA Next的臺灣新創企業一同參與,剖析德國市場並暢談成功跨國合作經驗。
InnoVEX Pier 5 kicks off its first event on September 30 aiming at the German Markets. TAITRA will host the InnoVEX Pier 5 Germany Edition at the upcoming WeWork Taipei. The top German corporations which contribute in innovation collaborations will also participate in the event. Audi and Merck Innovation Lab will have access to insightful discussions on cross national collaborations. The German Trade Office Taipei and the Taiwan Trade Center at Duesseldorf will also join the event to share the experiences as trade promoter in bilateral markets. Further, the alumni of InnoVEX who’ve participated in IFA NEXT will give their observations in IFA 2019.
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時間 Date: 9/30
地點 Venue: WeWork 97 Songren Lu
地址 Address: 台北市信義區松仁路97號
語言 Language: 中文
暫定議程表 Tentative Agenda:
【13:30 - 14:00】Registration 報到
【14:00 - 14:20】Learn from the Giants 企業經驗談
👉Audi and Audi's Partners
【14:20 - 14:40】Unleash into the Wonders 媒體宣傳之道
【14:40 - 15:00】Escorted by the Guardians 創業守護神
👉 H.Spectrum & Merck Innovation Lab and WeWork
【15:00 - 15:20】Breakthrough with the Hermès 貿易推廣小叮嚀
👉 German Trade Office Taipei and TAITRA
【15:20 - 15:40】Share with the Experienced 2019 IFA 直擊
👉InnoVEX Alumni and COMPUTEX Show Manager
【15:40 - 16:00】Networking! 交流
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