💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕
卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」
Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞
Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.
Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.
Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!
Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!
Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”
Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.
Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -\-\ an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -\-\ we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.
✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.
vanuatu中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第五發:高雄美國學校總校長卜傑明與太太來到台灣的甜蜜故事 💕💕
卜傑明:「我現在是高雄美國學校的總校長,我們有來自超過30個國家、800位學生。我們的美式教育哲學是強調批判性思考而非背誦,並著重發揮創意、創造新知 — 這不是教學法的一種,而是我們的信念。而且,我們身處高雄,就是屬於高雄的一份子。高雄美國學校的建築概念就是『透明』,就算坐在教室裡,我們的學生也能看到他們所屬的城市以及外面的世界。」
Why I Chose Taiwan #5 💞
Ben: I was a Peace Corps volunteer many years ago. It was a wonderful and difficult experience. Early in our relationship, Torey told me she eventually planned to live and work overseas. I was one hundred percent on board with that.
Torey: So academically, my background is in aerospace engineering. I interned with Boeing for a while. Then after college, I went to work for Rocketdyne, which is a subcontractor for NASA, they made the space shuttle main engines.
Ben: She’s an actual rocket scientist!
Torey: My company would design and manufacture the parts for engines in California. And then we would ship them to the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, where we would assemble and test engines. But I always wanted to be a physics teacher. When I met Ben, I was actually on a business trip. One of my coworkers was engaged to Ben’s roommate…and now we’re married!
Ben: So we were looking for overseas opportunities, and the opportunity in Taiwan came about. And I came out here to interview in person. And I remember when I walked in the front door of this place for the first time…it just felt different. I was here for two days and by the time, I got the plane to go back home, I was sold on the school. I was sold on Taiwan. I went to Torey and I said, “Torey, did you ever consider Taiwan?” She literally jumped up from couch and said, ”Yes, that’s at the top of my list.”
Torey: I always wanted to learn Mandarin and I have so many friends in high school and college who were from Taiwan. I love the heat. I love the travel. I’ve made so many new friends here. People are so nice and so open.
Ben: I now serve as the superintendent of the Kaohsiung American School. We have 800 students from a total of over 30 countries. There is a certain philosophy to American education that we apply here -- an emphasis on critical thinking over memorization; the importance of creativity and creating new knowledge -- we don’t identify them as part of our pedagogy. They are actually part of our beliefs. At the same time, we are in Kaohsiung. We are part of Kaohsiung. This school is designed to be transparent. Even when you’re sitting in the class, we want our students visually connected to the city they are part of and to the place they are part of and to the outside world.
✅Dr. Ben Ploeger joined the Kaohsiung American School community as Superintendent in 2017. He earned his EdD and MEd from Columbia University. Dr. Ploeger has worked as a head of school, principal, vice principal, math teacher, and a science teacher at the high school and middle school levels. He served in the United States Peace Corps in the island nation of Vanuatu. Mrs. Torey Ploeger is a rocket scientist. They enjoy good food, good company and conversation, and traveling together.
vanuatu中文 在 BennyLeung.com Facebook 的精選貼文
但是,現在你可以走捷徑,直接花錢買國籍,通過投資移民輕鬆成為某國的公民,繼而拿到護照。這在50年前還是很難想像的。 那時,就連雙重國籍身份都比較罕見,但目前已經非常普遍。
今天, 全世界一半以上的國家都設有投資移民項目。瑞典律師卡林(Christian Kalin)說,它已經成為一項全球增長最快的產業,產值高達每年250億美元。
卡林是恆理環球顧問事務所有限公司(Henley & Partners)的主席。 他的公司是全世界承辦投資移民護照的最大律師事務所之一。卡林為此還有「護照先生」一稱。
卡林認為,人們關於公民和國籍的傳統觀念已經過時了。不僅如此, 卡林還表示,人們的國籍受出生國的限制是「非常不公平的」。
他說,人們的出生地與他們的技能和天分毫無關係, 完全是運氣。他認為, 人們應該重新思考這一問題了,比如,可以把公民權看作是一種會員制度。
當然, 對卡林的這種看法有人贊同,也有人反對。反對的人認為把護照當商品買賣就是不對。
但無論你贊成還是反對,花錢購買他國國籍的買賣正在如火如荼地進行著。其中, 太平洋島國瓦努阿圖(Vanuatu)的國籍似乎很受青睞,特別是中國人。
總部在香港的中介機構太平洋移民顧問有限公司(PRG Consulting)就是一個擁有執照的,專門為合格人士辦理瓦國護照的機構。
在香港的一家咖啡店中,BBC商務記者莎拉·特雷納(Sarah Trenor)和薇薇安·尼內斯(Vivienne Nunis)見到了太平洋移民顧問有限公司的護照代辦商MJ。據他介紹,越來越多的中國大陸公民獲取第二本甚至第三本護照。
- 安提瓜和巴布達:起價10萬美元(以下均為美元價)
- 聖基茨和尼維斯聯邦:起價15萬
- 蒙特內哥羅或叫黑山:起價27萬4千
- 葡萄牙:起價38萬4千
- 西班牙:起價55萬
- 保加利亞:起價56萬
- 馬耳他:起價100萬
- 美國:投資需在50到100萬美元之間,並創造10個就業機會
- 英國:起價250萬
但這毫不影響富裕的中國人申請瓦國護照。 而在那些拿到瓦國護照的中國人之間,只有大約十分之一曾踏上過瓦國領土,不過這也只是猜測而已。
維拉港(Port Vila)是瓦努阿圖的首都。維拉港的街道坑坑窪窪,滿目蒼夷。街上根本沒有交通紅綠燈。然而,隨著汽車的增多,交通擁擠現象也越來越嚴重。
瓦努阿圖前總理巴拉克·索普 (Barak Sope) 也是在該國成立後才有自己的護照。因此,他對此念念不忘,他認為當時的法規是對該國居民的一種侮辱。
近年來,中國投資大量流入該國。"中國人比我們有錢," 索普憤憤不平地說。
巴尼解釋說,這個問題需要從全球視野出發。 許多其他國家向外國人出售護照賺取投資。瓦努阿圖自然資源不多,而投資移民項目可以為國家帶來很多收入。
然而, 對瓦努阿圖鄉村地區的居民來說, 自從該政策出台後就一直極具爭議。
安妮說, 當地社區並沒有受益,儘管政府許諾說,該項目的收入將會為當地重建遭到2015年颶風破壞的基礎設施以及家園。
但當地一家報紙經營者丹麥卡格里(Dan McGarry)認為,隨著中國市場的強勁需求,很難想像政府會改變其政策。
但與此同時, 他也表示,人們不盡會捫心自問:「這是我們奮鬥的結果嗎?這樣做對嗎?把我們不容易爭取來的主權就這樣賣給出高價的人,這對嗎?」
其實, 這個問題不僅是瓦努阿圖,它也是許多其他國家應該反思的,特別是在日益全球化世界的當今。
#國際 #社會
vanuatu中文 在 萬那杜Vanuatu,號稱潛水天堂的島嶼能不能讓主持人釣到他 ... 的推薦與評價
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