Authenticity > money. I’ve been posting unpopular views since 2003. Blogged when nobody was paying me, will continue to post if nobody is paying me now either. You want politically correct influencers who grovel and backtrack at every criticism and give fake apologies you can find them a dime a dozen. You may not like my views but I have a right to say them. You are not going to bully me into silence, or force me to be a hypocritical woke sheep like you, echoing the same tired sanctimonious virtue-signaling crap every other person on social media is repeating ad nauseam. Not gonna happen sorry!
virtue signaling 在 普通人的自由主義 Facebook 的最佳解答
明天是美國的期中選舉,435個眾議院席次全都改選,另外有35個參議院席次也要改選。一般民調說民主黨應該會大勝,雖然無法取得參議院過半,但拿下眾議院多數,沒有問題。然而這些民調,也在2016年說希拉蕊會勝出,現在這樣的Blue Wave (藍波? 因為民主黨是藍色),讓民主黨志氣高昂,但如果民調又翻盤,真不知道這些美國藍營的選民該怎麼辦。
而這個翻盤的機會其實不小。要判斷出435個席次能否過半,那要435個選區都有精準且一致的民調,這點本身就有困難,何況和川普有關的民調,都有嚴重的誤差。民調,還有那些社群網路的同溫層,有太多的virtue signaling,即藉由宣示支持特定候選人來表示自己的高尚的行為。反川普的,非常樂意表態,但支持川普的,面對主流媒體,寧可潛水居多。而民主黨和川普,都把這場選舉當成川普的驗收成果,那virtue signaling,就非常可能一面倒,而讓民調失準。
歷史顯示,在野黨通常在期中選舉時,會在國會席次上進步,所以民主黨有這樣的預期也不算錯。但他們磨刀霍霍的行為,很可能讓中間選民倒胃口,民主黨這幾年常常把一手好牌打成爛牌,就是不把中間選民放在心上。磨刀霍霍做什麼呢? 當然是要弄死川普這個大魔頭,如果民主黨取得眾院多數,就會先來個眾院彈劾川普,不管「通俄門」的調查結果如何。再來把川普的政策和人事一個個逆轉。減稅,這個川普拿來圖利財團、有錢人的政策,非廢棄不可。歐巴馬健保有被廢掉的危險,也要擋住,先把它弄成Medicaid窮人健保升級版,再推醫療公有制。巴黎協定的減碳措施,一定要加入。Kavanaugh雖然給他硬擠上大法官,也要重啟性侵調查,非把他弄下台不可。
如果共和黨守住參眾兩院呢? 當然不是世界末日,現在就是共和黨白宮、國會一把抓,天也沒塌下來。但對這些左派狂熱份子而言,很可能就是世界末日了。我認為美國的民主和經濟制度的底子很好,多數人的日子,不因政黨輪替而有巨大影響,所以不會有制度被極端份子摧毀的危險。但少數極端份子,如果把選舉結果,變成生死大事,那真有可能出事。
南北戰爭末期,南方大將Robert E. Lee投降不久後,林肯發表演講,認真考慮全面推動黑人投票權。在下面聽演講的,有個叫John Wikes Booth,對他來說,給黑人公民權,就是世界末日了,林肯你喜歡演講,「這就是你最後的演講了」。幾天後,Booth就近距離開槍,刺殺了林肯。
virtue signaling 在 元毓 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Remember this one tonight when all of the Celebrities are virtue signaling about Gun Control at the Oscars:
“The biggest hypocrites on gun control are those who live in upscale developments with armed security guards - and who want to keep other people from having guns to defend themselves. But what about lower-income people living in high-crime, inner city neighborhoods? Should such people be kept unarmed and helpless, so that limousine liberals can 'make a statement' by adding to the thousands of gun laws already on the books?”
Thomas Sowell
virtue signaling 在 VIRTUE SIGNALLING在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 的相關結果
virtue signalling 的意思、解釋及翻譯:an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that… ... <看更多>
virtue signaling 在 'Virtue signalling', a slur meant to imply moral grandstanding 的相關結果
So, virtue signalling is an expression used to call out an individual, company, or organisation - suggesting they are only backing an idea to ... ... <看更多>
virtue signaling 在 Virtue signalling - Wikipedia 的相關結果
RealClearEnergy. Retrieved November 26, 2021. Virtue signaling is defined at the act of publicly expressing opinions in order to demonstrate that you are a good ... ... <看更多>