This one. Yes.
To the people who think freelance singers, who are not as marketed as a 'public figure' as one would be under an established agency/label/team, who work tirelessly to pay the bills, to feed their families, and to pursue their dreams, still buy the whole "do this for free, for good exposure, for good network" bullshit, please stop.
Stop having this mentality where we all need to kiss ass to make a living for ourselves. We simply, do not. We can MAKE our own opportunities with hardwork, perseverance and of course, talent - omg, shocking right?
Stop thinking that a song or two, without compensation, is not gonna waste our petrol money, our tol money, energy and our time. "Aiyah easy job lah! Singsong only!" We are already working our asses off daily, our schedules are planned ahead AND jobs can come in randomly (vo work, jingle work, shoots, gig replacement etc) so that time COULD'VE been used for family quality time, practice time, writing time, workout time, or just plain downtime. We actually do other things that help improve our craft and to keep the creative juices flowing other than shaking our asses and singsong on stage - omg, shocking right?
Stop thinking that the moment you open your mouth with a somewhat "cool idea" that we will all jump on it like how I would devour my food once it is served. See, unlike the warm food that's already ready to be enjoyed in front of my face, your idea is still a mere illusion. Talk is cheap, no? A manipulation game to be in on your "do this for free first, bigger things will come later" talk aaand guess what? The bigger thing never happens. Most of us learn this the hard way but guess what? We actually grow from it! omg, shocking right?
My conclusion is, if you're interested in our business, please treat it as one. See this is different from the honest clients that come up to me and say "hi, this is my budget, can we work around this?" cause at least they have respect for what we do. They appreciate and acknowledge that this is our WORK. I am appalled by the attitudes that still look at people in the arts this way. I know way too many singers that works freaking hard to be where they're at right now and yet they're still struggling to get the respect that they deserve.
People don't see the diet we do to keep our vocal cords healthy, the exercise we put in to improve our stamina, the time put to improve our vocal color, tone, range, projection, vocal strength, to memorise lyrics, to rearrange a song, to divide parts, to learn different styles of music. The efforts put into styling ourselves for the image portrayed. Let's not even go into the time taken for makeup and hair. I am not complaining, I enjoy what I do, it comes with the job but this is to show that we do so much more than just, sing.
So please, stop. Trust me, it will be very much appreciated. Thank you.