Sáng sớm nay một bạn Schofans cùng tên có inbox nhắn cảm ơn chị Hoa Dinh và Page Scholarship for Vietnamese students. Bạn ấy mới đi Kuala Lumpur về theo chương trình CIMB Young ASEAN Leaders được tài trợ toàn phần. Cơ hội ra nước ngoài không mất phí là chuyện nhỏ nhưng quan trọng hơn chỉ trong thời gian ngắn Hoa đã làm quen được với rất nhiều bạn bè quốc tế và đã học hỏi được rất nhiều điều bổ ích cho bản thân. Chị tin rằng đây chỉ là bước khởi đầu, chắc chắn bạn ấy sẽ giành được rất nhiều học bổng khác trong tương lai. Cùng chúc mừng Hoa và Schofans nhà mình cùng cố gắng thêm nha. À bật mí là trong đoàn Việt Nam còn có 1 bạn Volunteer của page mình đó. Schofans chịu khó Like, See First page để không bỏ lỡ cơ hội nào ha.
Chị trích lại những bài học mà Hoa nhận được để chia sẻ với mọi người nhé, đặc biệt chú ý phần các ngành nghề và kĩ năng cần thiết trong tương lai ở cuối. Link bài viết: https://www.facebook.com/notes/hoa-nguy%E1%BB%85n/cyal-2018-brief-notes-and-highlighted-moments/10156418943876187/
Related links:
UCTC UKM official fb page: https://www.facebook.com/uctcukm2014/
CIMB Foundation official fb page: https://www.facebook.com/cimbfoundation/
News of CYAL 2018 on BH Online: News- BH Online
Scholarship finding page: Scholarship for Vietnamese students
Here is the key notes that I found most impressed with, and would like to share to my friends, relations, as well as anyone who want to try practicing to “Think ASEAN”, “Act Sustainably” or just simply understand the importance of and are curious to know more abt the “ Green, prosperous lifestyle of a Smart City”.
1. ASEAN Identity and Unity
Dr. Wahiza Wahi
- To drive social changes, it is vital to engage people in the society. There are 2 key indicators:
o Whom to engage.
o How many people to be on board.
- Base of Social Engagement: Emotional Commitment (EC)
o EC caused from shared goals among people.
o To go as a team in a long run, a part from EC, you have to build credibility as well (delivering your responsibilities on time).
2. Think City
Dr. Neil Khor
Programme Director, Southern Region
Think City Bhd
- Why City?
o Future trend: the growing population of large cities àmore than 60% of the population will live in cities in 2050. (*)
o Basic elements of societies, where you can create the smallest sustainable ecosystem unit for citizens.
- Smart City: Transformation from conventional cities into smart cities by replacing manual tasks by smart applications.
o How machines have changed the way human work, contact, engage, etc. àneed to evolve and participate in this 4.0 revolution.
o Considering SDGs as the common goals worldwide (previously we had MDGs, but have switched into SDGs since 2015 as MDGs applied primarily to least developed/poor countries, while the new SDG goals set targets that call all countries to action, no matter how developed).
o Recommendation: Using Crystal Ball as a digital platform for analytics and making predictions.
- Smart City Fundamentals:
o Smart Energy
o Smart Mobility
o Smart Water
o Smart Public Services
o Smart Buildings
o Smart Data Center
==> Smart Collaboration:
Planning & Design
Solution Implementation
Operation & Optimization
Business models & Financing
- Smart Digital City: In 4.0 era, digital facets become more essential to evolve conventional cities.
o Low carbon city concept
o E.g. of smart cities: Singapore & Curitiba
- Smart Digital City concepts & Business Impact
o Block chain Technology:
No Third-party Involvement
Trusted transactions
Reduce cost
No single point of Failure
Real-time tracking
Unalterable Copied only
o Business Impacts:
Digital Transformation Strategy à[Social Media Mkt & Branding] + [Digital Mkt] + [Brand & Product Mkt] à[Advertising Business Mkt] àGreen Product àGreen Services
3. Sustainability City Plan and Dev. from Industry Perspective
En Ismail Hj Abdullah
President & CEO
International Green Training Centre
- Sustainable City Framework:
o Policy Objectives & Planning
o Spatial Data & Indicator Dimensions
o [Urban Form + Economy + Resource Efficiency + Environment + People]
o Climate Change (Low Carbon & Resilience)
o Governance
- Sustainable Cities Index:
o People (Social)
o Planet (Environment)
o Profit (Economic)
(Reference: ARCADIS Sustainable Cities Index)
- ARCADIS Sustainable cities indicators for economic pillar
o Transport infrastructure and traffic congestion
o Ease of doing business
o Tourism volume
o GDP per capita
o Global economy networks ranking
o Broadband connectivity
o Employment rates
- Sum-up notes:
o Sustainable city development requires the participation of all stakeholders in the society, including city councils, citizens and industries players.
o Sustainable city development from industry perspective requires comprehensive assessments of social, economic and environmental costs.
4. Smart City- Issues & Challenges
Prof. Dato’ Dr. K. Sopian
Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), UKM
Ar. Chan Seong Aun
Makaysian Green Building Federation (MGBC)
- Strategies to bring renewable into the cities
o Capacity building, awareness & educational programme
o Infrastructure development & Market enhancement programme
o Effective policies & enhancement of financial mechanism
o R&D and industrial interactions (Competitive industries)
- Fyi: CO2 green building index
5. CIMB Sharing- Sustainability
Sieh Luanne, Hussam Sultan
CIMB Group
- CIMB’s Sustainability Focus across 5 major buckets:
o Sustainable business
o Sustainable action
o Governance & Risk
o Stakeholder Engagement & Advocacy
o Corporate social responsibility (CSR)*
- CIMB has worked on various projects to drive positive impact in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) space.
6. FORWARD Your Leadership Skills for the Workforce of Tomorrow
Tengku Dato’ Sri Zafrul Aziz
CIMB Group
- Situation: The pace of innovation is accelerating àdeveloping trends are causing Disruption
A. Banking Industry
- Banking disrupted by multiple players:
o Challenger banks
o Platform players
o Fintechs
- Bank of the future: Key characteristics
o Embrace technology
o Explore partnership
o Enhance analytics
==> Digitizing the core: Create a holistic & consistent digital multi channel- multi product sales experience across MIST
B. Jobs opportunities
- New opportunities regarding to Digital/ Big data/Architect/ Engineer/ Healthcare, etc. that machines cannot replace.
- Skillsets required in the new age of technology:
o Creative and Innovation
o Leadership
o Emotional Intelligence
o Adaptability
o Problem Solving
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water sustainability issues 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答
美國伊利諾大學香檳分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,簡稱 Illinois)自2013年與臺大共同規畫重點姊妹校國際合作,今年9月21日至22日在該校貝克曼高等科技研究所 (Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology) 與臺大共同舉辦第二屆「Illinois-NTU Global Issues Forum: Health in Smart Urban Environments」。本校張慶瑞代理校長率臺大共41位代表,受邀前往美國伊利諾州進行重點國際策略合作。伊利諾大學香檳分校 Robert Jones校長、Reitumetse Mabokela 國際長,以都市健康為大主題,與該校共同主持本論壇6個跨領域子題的教授與研究人員,結合兩校研究能量及外部資源,提供主題內及跨子題學術討論,達到跨領域資源整合發展,打造國際學術新亮點。值得一提的是,伊諾大學系統 Robert Easter 榮譽總校長全程與會,同時也加入子題分組討論,不僅提供研究領域專業洞見,也展現兩校密切合作情誼。
此次兩校國際策略聯盟論壇大主題為「Health in Smart Urban Environments」,下分6個跨領域子題:Air and Water Quality、Healthy Aging in Urban Environments、Built Environment and Health、Urban Agriculture and Food Security、Bio-Medical & Cancer Research、Mobility & Autonomous / Connected Vehicles。每個子題的兩校團隊於一年前即積極討論,確立論壇進行模式及報告順序,因此進行子題分組時,兩校與會合作方可有效率商議未來合作方針、計畫及行動方案。
本次論壇亦在6個分組子題外,規劃3場跨子題議題討論,三項跨子題議題分別為:「Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship: Leveraging “Blue Sky” Thinking for Sustainability」、「Informatics & Digital Analytics: Putting Data to Work for Healthy, Livable Cities」及「Social Equity & Access: Leveraging Diverse Urban Populations for Enhanced Health, Prosperity, & Quality of Life」,跨子題議題的討論以小組座談方式進行,讓6個分組子題與會者能就大主題橫向對話,最終由主持人做媒合及總結,透過多領域跨子題對話,穿插不同看法,腦力激盪出跨議題式研究亮點。
本校與Illinois之交流歷史可溯自本校錢思亮校長,錢校長即為伊利諾大學香檳分校的校友,且本校有超過80位專兼任教師於該校取得學位,故兩校的連結與淵源頗深。在幾經討論後,為強化兩校的交流合作,讓更多教師能參與,成為雙方合作的核心議題,本校國際處與對方國際處決定共同舉辦國際跨領域策略聯盟論壇,作為雙方教師合作的平台,並拓展能解決社會問題的研究合作。張代理校長提到,伊利諾大學香檳分校校長Robert Jones同意兩校共設研究基金,且將本校視為top level的合作夥伴,有助延伸未來高教深耕及國際聯盟的觸角與落實。
water sustainability issues 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
human impact(s) on the environment 人類對於環境的影響
global warming 全球暖化
greenhouse effect 溫室效應
greenhouse gas 溫室氣體
climate change 氣候變遷
climate system 氣候系統
ice age 冰期
mass extinction 大滅絕
scientific evidence 科學證據
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
methane 甲烷
natural resource自然資源
ozone 臭氧層
atmosphere 大氣層
environmental issues 環境問題
human impacts 人類影響
impact assessment 影響評估
agriculture 農業
fishing 捕魚
irrigation 灌溉
meat production 產肉
energy industry 能源產業
electricity generation 電力產生
petroleum 石油
nuclear power 核能
wind power 風力
manufacturing 製造業
aviation 航空
shipping 運船
human overpopulation 人口過多
overexploitation 過度開採
war 戰爭
biodiversity threats 生物多樣性的威脅
deforestation 林木減少
desertification 沙漠化
erosion 腐蝕
coral reefs 珊瑚礁
habitat destruction 棲息地破壞
land degradation 土地惡化
ocean acidification 海水酸化
ozone depletion 臭氧層破壞
【人類嘗試的方式以降低環境破壞 (mitigation 減緩; 舒緩)】
birth control 節育
climate change mitigation 氣候變遷的舒緩
environmental mitigation 環境舒緩; 減緩
reforestation 復林
sustainable consumption (n.)
waste minimization
emit (V.) 排放
emission (n.) 排放
carbon dioxide emission 二氧化碳排放量
fume (n.) 煙; 氣 (有害的)
acid rain 酸雨
arid(adj.) 乾燥的
aridity (n.) 乾燥
semiarid (adj.) 半乾燥的
fossil fuel (n.) 化石燃料
fossil (n.) 化石
coal industry 煤炭工業
biofuel 生物燃料
pesticide 殺蟲劑
fertilizer 肥料
alternative energy 替代能源
sustainable energy 永續能源
renewable energy 再生能源
energy conservation 節約能源
save energy 節約能源
energy crisis 能源危機
waste energy 浪費能源
sustainability (n.) 永續性
sustainable development 永續發展
hydroelectric 水力發電的
hydroelectricity 水力發電
overburden 負擔過多
chemical 化學物品
car exhaust 汽車廢氣
waste 廢物
waste gas 廢氣
waste water 廢水
the level of pollution污染的程度/等級
noise 噪音
noise pollution 噪音污染
air 空氣
air pollution 空氣污染
air pollutant 空氣污染物
noxious gas 有毒氣體
water pollution 水污染
soil pollution 土壤污染
nuclear waste 核廢料
incinerator 焚化爐
plastic bag 塑膠袋
plastic product 塑膠製品
pollution = contamination 污染
waste management 廢物處理
land use 土地利用
reuse (V.) 重複利用
recycle (V.) 再利用
reduce (V.) 減少
reuse waste 廢物利用
recycle waste 廢物回收
landfill (n.) 垃圾填埋法
sewage works 污水處理廠
garbage dump 垃圾處理場
eco-friendly (adj.) 對生態無害的
environmentally-friendly (adj.) 對環境沒有傷害的
environmental protection (n.) 環境保護
environmental protection facilities 環保設施
solar energy 太陽能
solar battery 太陽能電池
solar cell 太陽能電池
*solar system 太陽系