#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
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一週前Mark Zukerberg開始對美國總統Donals Trump貼文爭議展開一連串危機處理,沒料到這些動作反而在上週末快速發展成為Facebook內部的小風暴。
網路媒體The Verge也提供了一個非常有趣的觀察:Zuckerberg一直試圖把他個人情感和他作為Facebook CEO的角色嚴密隔離開來,也因此他一方面以CEO角色堅守捍衛Trump言論自由的界線,在此同時也以個人情感捐了1000萬美元給種族平權團體。但作者認為Facebook這個社群平台長久以來告訴我們一件事:
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本週一個名為Center for Democracy & Technology的NGO組織因此向法院提起訴訟,主張該行政命令違反了美國憲法第一修正案對言論自由的保護,並要求法院將其宣告無效。其邏輯是雖然Trump目標是讓Twitter失去法源過濾內容,但同時如果讓平台的保護傘失效反而會得到言論自由上的反效果:社群平台為了避免連帶責任,會更努力限縮言論空間。
多名LGBT YouTuber聯合控告YouTube利用演算法機制來壓抑LGBT相關影片的曝光率,讓他們無法在平台上賺到錢。巧合的是原告引用的法令也是CDA美國通訊規範法案230條。本案雙方的爭點就是YouTube依據該法是否有權使用演算法來壓抑特定內容。值得注意的是,前幾天代表美國司法部向法院表示意見的代表,似乎認為總統剛剛簽署的行政明令並沒有實質改變該法的效力,因此YouTube等社群平台經營者仍有權繼續限制平台上的內容。所以吃了誠實豆沙包的司法部是在間接承認總統的行政命令是虛晃一招?
另一方面,紐約時報也雞婆地幫Twitter執行長Jack Dorsey代勞他的審查工作,詳盡檢查了一週份的Trump發文。結果統計出來139則貼文當中,至少有26則包含不實資訊,另外24則有誤導或沒有附具理由的含糊指控。總計總統大人在過去一週的貼文有高達三分之一包含有可疑資訊,而實際上遭到Twitter啟動事實查核機制而有所處置的只有少之又少的3則。Twitter的執法只是冰山一角。
另外一家社群平台Snapchat沒有像Twitter那樣直接限制Trump的貼文,也沒有像Facebook那樣對於貼文完全袖手旁觀。Snapchat 執行長 Evan Spiegel對外發佈的備忘錄指出:Trump的Snapchat帳號以及貼文將繼續存在,但將不會再出現在使用者界面上的Discover區的演算法自動推播機制當中。Trump的Snapchat在過去幾個月內快速增加訂閱人數,但Sanpchat的作法至少確保了未來該帳號的訂閱率成長不是來自於Snapchat的系統主動推播。
擁有1.6億活躍用戶的電子佈告欄網站reddit也在風起雲湧的一週捲入種族歧視言論爭論。曾任reddit臨時執行長的美國律師鮑康如批評該平台長期容忍Trump和其他用戶擴散各種仇恨、暴力和種族歧視言論,讓reddit成為白人至上主義者的溫床。許多reddit的版主也響應鮑康如的訴求,以暫時關版或是暫停熱門貼文回文權限等方式來表達抗議。該公司的共同創辦人Alexis Ohanian Sr. 週五果斷回應,宣布他已經辭去自己在該公司的職務,建議公司雇用有色人種來取代自己在董事會的諮詢委員一職,並宣示他會將自己從reddit股票上獲得的收益用來投注於服務黑人社群。
另一個乍看無關、卻意義重大的事件發生在美國史丹佛大學的校園裡:法學教授Michael W. McConnell在線上授課的憲法課上朗讀了美國革命領袖Patrick Henry一段含有「Negro 黑鬼」字眼的文章,但在朗讀前他特地關掉線上課程的錄影功能,避免課堂影片傳出。但爭議仍然很快就爆開。這不是該校教授第一次發生N字爭議。雖然該名法學教授強調歷史的醜陋面不應該被刻意排除,但課堂上的學生認為選在這個種族紛擾的敏感時刻特意選讀這段歷史文章,對黑人來說傷害非常大。
然而真正有趣的資訊在這裡——這位堅持「歷史就是歷史」的史丹佛法學教授Michael W. McConnell正好也是Facebook剛成立的全球內容審查獨立監察團的其中一名副主席。
他的態度或許也驗證了Mark Zukerberg向來的論點:有毒的言論也是言論,應該讓它進入言論市場讓每個人自己判斷。
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除了扛著巨額成本的利息壓力,等到疫情過後再上映的方法之外,另一條路徑是像《Trolls World Tour 魔髮精靈唱遊世界》那樣挑戰VOD出租市場。最後一條路徑則是像《Greyhound 怒海戰艦》那樣一口價賣給串流。
VOD的財務優點是平台抽成比電影院低很多,串流的財務優點是立刻拿到現金,不用忍受長期資金壓力和不確定性風險。Disney的《Artemis Fowl 阿特米斯奇幻歷險》會直接上架自家串流服務Disney+。然而直上串流其實犧牲掉好萊塢過去經常操作的口碑策略:一旦電影院賣座極佳,這些票房標籤將使該片有很大的機會成功操作成為家庭娛樂市場的核彈級武器。但跳過電影院,這個策略完全無用武之地,它就是一部普通的串流電影。同時,跳過線院之後,明星或導演的票房獎金條款也會使片廠陷入一連串糾紛。疫情後的世界肯定會有一套新的電影發行規則,但好萊塢還在適應中。
關於VOD這條路,投資銀行瑞士信貸的分析師Meghan Durkin上週也在一份報告中呼籲電影院應該要對空窗期放手,讓中級成本的電影可以在上映三十天後開始開拓高單價VOD市場。高單價首輪VOD市場好萊塢已經談了十多年,卻一直在電影院的抵制下始終無法實現。直到這波疫情才讓幾家片廠趁亂推出,並證明高單價VOD確實能獲得消費者青睞。
分析師認為對Disney這種專門只搞大片的片廠可能無關痛癢,但對於Universal 和Warner Bros這些除了大片之外還繼續拍中級成本電影的片廠來說,高單價VOD可能是活命關鍵。重點在於趁著觀眾對於電影院上映的資訊熱度還沒退去的時刻,吸引他們以高單價在線上租片觀看。因為VOD平台抽成遠低於電影院,對片廠而言會形成一個讓中級成本電影存活下來的關鍵二級市場。
他的驚悚結論是:Disney和Christopher Nolan極力想用《Mualn 花木蘭》和《Tenet 天能》兩部超高成本大片讓電影院復甦,但實際效果可能適得其反。沒有健康的多元窗口讓各種規模的電影可以活下來,電影院最終將成為兩億美元以上大片專屬的貴賓席。而觀眾只能被迫回家在Netlfix或其他平台上看更多元的電影。
Facebook employees hold virtual walkout over Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to act against Trump(https://bit.ly/3dr2zFI)
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Exhibitors Should Allow Digital Releases for Mid-Tier Films After 30-Day Window, Analyst Says(https://bit.ly/2ZWEliU)
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Lawsuit Says Donald Trump’s Executive Order Targeting Twitter, Facebook Violates First Amendment(https://bit.ly/2XZZKVA)
Hey @jack, Here Are More Questionable Tweets From @realdonaldtrump(https://nyti.ms/2Bm5PnJ)
Nine things we learned from leaked audio of Mark Zuckerberg facing his employees(https://bit.ly/2Ua5VWi)
As AMC Theaters Signals It Could Go Under, Studios Won’t Lose Its Best Screens(https://bit.ly/372sGjT)
YouTube fights back against bias lawsuit from LGBTQ creators(https://bit.ly/2XzQ9Gl)
What other social networks can learn from Snapchat’s rebuke of Trump(https://bit.ly/30eNweu)
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Facebook to Review Content Policies Related to Civil Unrest, Violence(https://on.wsj.com/30fI4Io)
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過54萬的網紅TheMingThing,也在其Youtube影片中提到,If you find yourself asking the question what could possibly go wrong - the answer is everything. Suggest a subreddit YOU think is worth seeing! We h...
「we go on reddit」的推薦目錄:
we go on reddit 在 電玩宅速配 Gamexpress Facebook 的最讚貼文
Edmund McMillen(超級肉肉哥的製作者)報料。
因為《植物大戰殭屍》的設計者George Fan拒絕把2代作成商城附費,因此被EA開除。2代的評價...大家也知道笑笑就好。
喔對了,紅極一時的《瘋狂水族箱》(Insaniquarium)也是被開除的George Fan作品之一,真是個人才啊...
此話題已經在Reddit炎上,但是真實性依然有待商榷。想要聽肉肉哥作者報料,點影片連結就能聽到"You are fired"啦~
we go on reddit 在 mrbrown Facebook 的最佳解答
longtailbutterfly, an NSF serving in SCDF, shares a day in his life on Reddit. Thank you for your service.
"Let's tell a story.
I'm working my 24 hr (work 24 hours, off 48 hours) duty. It's 1100 and I just finished morning lecture (equipment drill and familiarisation) in the engine bay of my fire station. It's a Saturday so our rota (platoon-ish) orders nasi lemak. Coding comes in over the loudspeaker and we turn out to a case of locked door, suspected DOA (decomposing body). Traffic doesn't give way to our LF (red rhino), as per usual (smh). We arrive at the HDB unit and instantly we smell the dead body. The knowledge of smell will come with experience. The niece, who called 995, asks me if her uncle will be ok. I already know the body is decomposing but I reply "We're unsure, but we'll try our best". I lie to her face. My pump operator (PO, and the only regular in the crew) looks at me and grimaces. We've been in this situation together many times before. We easily break the door and the smell intensifies. I go in first, followed by the ambulance (alpha) paramedic. We find the body on the bed in the master bedroom. The paramedic tells me, "About two weeks". The body is severely bloated, skin green and black. The face is unrecognizable as it has bloated too much. Bile attempts to escape from between the discolored lips creating bubbles. The smell is sweet but rotten and my fireman gags. I get the relevant information I need and step out for a breather. The niece looks at me and asks what is going on. I look at her and I know she knows he's dead. "You uncle... has passed away". I turn away to avoid the emotions. Emotions are killers in this line of work.
We get back in time for nasi lemak lunch. The chicken is a bit soggy this week. The smell of rotten flesh lingers in my nostrils. I watch the Malay romantic drama that my enciks chose on the TV. It's ok, the girl is cute.
Before dinner we get another call - unit fire confirm case. We race there and reach before the fire engine (pumper). They're caught in traffic and will take another few minutes. Two firefighters and I proceed to the unit. Instantly the thick black smoke chokes my throat and waters my eyes. I struggle with my breathing cylinder because the air hose delivery tool is stuck between my backplate and my back. I say fuck it, neighbours are already screaming for us to hurry. The pressure escalates but I close myself off from the members of public, just like normal. We all focus. The only things I listen to are my matra (radio) and my fireman. I just wear my facemask for minimal protection and crawl in. The fire is well alight on the stove and I shoot at it. The smoke limits my visibility to 0, I now can't see my fingers as I stretch out my arm. I crawl back out and get stuck on a fallen wire. I panic as I think of my family. Emotions are dangerous. A fire biker crawls in and frees me. We step out and I tell the crew the fire is almost finished but our CAF backpacks are finished (water foam sprayers). I send the firefighters down to set up water supply from hydrant and crawl back in with the firebiker. The smoke makes it feel like someone just threw hot ash down my throat. We extinguish the fire using an ass-washing hose from the kitchen toilet. I am coughing badly but he sprays my face with the hose. The kitchen is badly burnt. I can feel the smoke damage in my lungs. The owner and neighbours pat me on the back and thank me for saving their home as I walk out. I smile but I know I took another step closer to death.
We get back at 2200 and order McDonalds. It is the best Double McSpicy I’ve eaten in a while.
At lunch the next day my friend (SAF LTA) tells me how stressful being an instructor at SAFTI has been recently. I remember as my cylinder got trapped on the fallen wire, and how I thought of my family in those few struggling seconds. I nod my head and grunt. " SAF has it tough with JCC and everything huh?" I joke. He agrees enthusiastically.
All in a day’s work for the NSFs in SPF/SCDF. If we fail, someone dies from our direct actions. Welcome to NS. No second chances or semula. Just death. I wish the public knew the risks that some NSFs take each day. We might not be as fit as NDU or as garang as commandos, but we put our lives on the line literally every day.
As an NSF I can say I have saved many lives, fought many fires and contributed to Singapore. No play acting or training for a war that will never happen (though I understand the incredible need for an armed military). I love my job, I love NS and wouldn't trade it for anything else (maybe an EMT vocation).
I am still amazed that many members of public still associate NS with army. I wish people would know. There's no greater feeling in this world than knowing some uncle I helped rescue on my first duty at 0200 will live to eat his favourite mee pok or talk cock with his kakis because of my direct actions. Pride and care right?
At least I get paid $1400 a month (;
UPDATE: Thanks for overwhelming suppourt. If I knew how big this would get I would have proofread my writing more 😒 (some might say it spread like fire in dry grass during lalang season). I would tell more stories but I know that it would compromise my anonymity so I'll just shut my mouth, and unfortunately since this is a throw away you guys probably won't be hearing from me again.
What were my goals for this post?
To bring awareness to the nature and extent of NSF work in SCDF.
To just get some words off my chest.
This post was NOT meant to:
Bash SAF. I know the importance of a trained military (I believe I addressed this point in my initial post). If we didn't have the National Service Scheme, invading Singapore as Indonesia or Malaysia would be easy af.
Over-dramatise our work. I tried my hardest to write from a neutral stand point and deliver facts about incidents as cold, hard, and true as the Ben&Jerrys ice cream in my freezer however what we do on a daily sometimes makes me ask "Am I in a Michael Bay film?". It happens to the best of us.
If you were offended, I apologise. My intentions were merely to raise awareness for the often overlooked and under-praised "little brother" NSFs in SCDF/SPF. So many of our kind deserve recognition for what they deal with.
One last short bit before signing off.
EMTs (medical assistants in ambulances) have some of the roughest calls out there, no contest. I was having dinner with my buddy from BRT who later became an EMT at a high volume station when he dropped Fat Man 2.0 on me. Traditionally he and I have always been tuned to similar wavelengths as the chaos-utopia nature of our jobs is only shared between a select few.
He's an NSF like me -- 18-22, male, horny. As per the norm we were sharing gossip about events or big incidents in the Force, latest happenings and where that one cute paramedic at 33 is now. We were just digging in to our chow when he told me "I had a casualty die in my hands for the first time".
According to him it's not common for that to happen. I nod my head as I spool my pasta. It's has a thick green sauce and I can't help but think of my last DOA. I throw the idea out of my mind. Work is work, recreation is recreation. Usually when EMS arrives the casualty has a high chance of surviving, albeit sometimes with long lasting or even permanent injuries, or the casualty is dead. "Case of fall from height. The skull was completely smashed," he told me between mouthfuls of food, "I had the guy in a head grip but the harder I held his skull, the more my fingers just... pressed into his brain. There was no structural integrity left in the skull." We continued eating, he had told me of a similar case before. It wasn't new news to either of us. The pasta burns my tongue and I sip on my lemon tea. Too sweet. "Then he just stopped breathing. CPR AED didn't work." It was the first time witnessing the transition from alive to dead. They couldn't resuscitate. We paid the bill and started chitchatting about soccer on the way to the MRT. It was one of eight calls on his 8 hour duty. The food place was way too expensive and I made a mental note to never go back (unless I'm with my parents). Who charges $5 for ice lemon tea? Christ.
There are many duties where I don't get a call the whole 24 hours. If it's a busy day we'll get 3-4. 3-4 for him is a light day. Alpha (ambulance) guys really get it the hardest.
If you know someone who has a similar job, just listen to what they have to say. It's not easy for everyone to transition from seeing a broken family outside a unit containing a dead body to eating breakfast with their fam at their favourite prata house while being all happy smiley. We all get desensitised to death and risking everything but desensitisation doesn't mean it doesn't take a mental toll on our minds and well-being. We don't admit it because it's not garang, but everyone needs to get their thoughts off their chest every once in a while. You can help them by lending a ear (or a hug)."
via: https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/4iexp5/a_rant_on_national_service_from_an_nsf/
we go on reddit 在 TheMingThing Youtube 的精選貼文
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we go on reddit 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的最讚貼文
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訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1
暗網? 陰謀論?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5RVLpFkAKQ&list=PLGzW5EwcApFuqKoowMHS9v8W34vIPyrtk
鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4rmkFI1ik0&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF
我的100K成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NJVt56ORWo&t=2s
曼德拉效應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMutzRIE_uE&list=PLglqLngY6gv5BCwaoP-q6DOwUmw1lIusF&index=17&t=5s
深刻個人經歷: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Roa6Vs1qWc&list=PLglqLngY6gv4mm_doLUUJx4zq5KvLJ2VE
在外國試驗恐怖Randonautica App能碰到什麼?
你相信世界有巧合嗎? 你在街上一日chait身而過的人有數百個, 是什麼能讓我們uw yue, ying sik, kauw gun?
旅遊恐怖app ‘Randonautica’ 令到douyin那班leng jai在公園揭發一douy死人wuy tuy,
Randonaut會信是宇宙萬物中的量子yun ling他們到那個地方.
Randonautica跟Pokémon GO相似: 在現實世界進行探索任務. 唯一分別是你探索緊的那樣東西由你念力出發. 他們腦子又是想什麼的呢? 根據量子物理學, 電話app會吸收你腦粒子加上靈性學你用個app時的intention=你去到的最終目的地.
‘Randonautica’ 拿了你地址後會有3種不同分bo模式.
‘Attractor’ 模式: 會到量子點很擠迫的地方.
‘void’ 模式: 量子點極少的地方.
‘anomaly’ 模式, 如果你心裡面有強烈信念, 一些答案就會找到.
網上有Randonaut用了這個app去到自己爺爺的fun mo. 而暗網仔今天要出街希望找到人生的意義.
現在你聽到的聲音 , 6個ging點我已經去過. 當中lui ching不jook yi改變我一生, 但神奇地也有不可思議的地方.
(Say Maslows hierarchy of needs love and belonging is #3. Quarantine has been hard and friendship has been difficult to maintain... finding friendship.)
全名:暗網仔. 年齡: 27身高: 181cm. 職業: Youtuber.
這是啊暗第一個被yun ling到的地點: 43.599747, -79.595291.
所以啊暗食了一條蕉( 還放上IG!!!) 照了照鏡子make sure自己有Indiana jones的氣質就出門口.
Yik情的關係令我想 ‘朋友’ 這個koy nim好多. 朋友’ 定義是: 要天天boon cheuy你身邊一定做不到, 所以只好在你生日時pooy你fung kwong一晚就是 ‘朋友’? 啊暗猜不到命運第一達帶他去的地方會是一dung 大ha. Google map確切的位置是大ha pong been的一po植物. 其實啊暗知道app指ling他發現的是一位拿著高爾夫球裝備, 剛剛做完運動的大約50多歲的白人男子. 他面dai笑yung, 好奇望著啊暗在sow yiw那po jik mut..
那位大sook好快就上了友人的車離去. 啊暗回到車後承認自己不夠勇敢, 沒有真實地dap出第一步. 有時d friend可能就要你call一call佢
(-found a guy playing golf. Smiled at me but was a bit hostile. I was too afraid to go make contact. Maybe that’s what life is like, friendships you have to reach out.)
*use attractor.
“It was my first time randonauting. So I just manifested seeing something red and the coordinates led me here...”
(Physiological needs)
*use void
(Sex: the place is an isolated location, or a void. Their was a sign on the door of the place called ‘just shoot it!’ -a hockey club. Maybe the place is a good one to take a date for sex?)
啊暗在想著性被帶到一些工廠背後一達地方. 調查後發現tit門上有 ‘just shoot it!’ 3個英文字. 可能這個地方不是尋找性的一個地方. 也許是帶人來 “just shoot it” 的一個地方.
下一個神奇地啊暗想著食物後, 就帶了他去到平時喜歡食的Five guys burger的那一個soing cheung. 不是確切地點, 但啊暗實在太肚餓.
iPhone等Apple產品有都市傳聞說會偷聽用戶的對話. 我第一個地點是有講過 ‘找朋友’ 這句說話, 之後也有講過 “找東西吃” 這句說話, 但我整程車根本沒有講過’five guys burger’ 這個地方名字. Randonautica會不會kuy用你部iPhone的Google map偷看我平時到開車到達最多的chan teng呢? 電話整天都跟身, 10足10跟jung器.
Ping goh隱私權政策有提到 “we may collect and store details, including search queries. This information may be used to improve the relevancy of results provided by our searches”
(Food was just food. Went to five guys and got some food. Even though it wasn’t directly at the place. It’s usually where I buy my food anyways.)
(Safety needs)
這裡, 這裡, 這裡...公園內的一大peen空地是啊暗要找 ‘工作’ 的地方. Randonautica能這麼短時間受歡迎起來因為他破壞城市人一般的jit juw帶你到平日不會去的地方.
*use attractor
(Park )
(Video of girl witnessing someone getting shot)
[破解] 影片中的女生發現一個恐怖案法現場然後bung kwooy. 但為什麼這不是一件好事呢? 有分sik Randonautica的網友用Despair-meme法juk段定Randonautica的最後結果. 如果在經歷跟自己日常生活變化時, 對世界多一份敏感是好事. 但如果整天看負面新聞, hoi怕改變, 可能就會好像這個女生, manifest 生活以外一些悲劇的發生.
(Esteem needs) (say this is something you truly want and you crave for. Extremely important to you.)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house. So disappointing)
這個是啊暗好想要的. 失望地只是一間屋的門口. 又是不敢去看看. 啊暗的想法是: 我相念不夠keung嗎?
Randonautica創辦人表示app根據Fatum project去geen jo. Fatum project原本的用意研究我們每一個人以外有可能jook poong到的reality. 根據我們每一個人的lo chup, jap gwan, 人生ging lik, 條件及外在因素我們在生ming會到達的地方永遠ley不開那幾個.
Sierpinski三角形是最好representation. 無論你在三角型任何一個點開始chong jo三角形, 也到不了一些blindspot. (好像我由細到大都經過的那座大樓) 那個行為由如到達另一個星球一樣.
唯一是kauw randonautica ley hoi ‘static’s field’ 甚至影響你自己生命道路的那一條線.
(Self actualization)
*use anomaly
(Someone’s house again)
人生的意義最終也是人家的屋子. 雖然我最後也是um yeen ley hoi但可能...這就是人生的意義. 有些事你是suey yiw dap出第一步的. 即使你不是玩這個game的時候人生才會不停有duk po. 可能我就是要be reminded of 這個道理. 有不可思議的地方, 學到了新東西, 流了一些hon: a good summer day well spent.
(Need to take the first step to change your life and change your pattern. So I will be trying new things. First is to wake up earlier.)
(Last story: I used the app with a friend the next day...we ended up at a house with a pool. She said that although her intent was buying a present, in reality she wanted to swim. So we were suppose to knock on the door and ask the family if we could swim with them?)
之後一天跟朋友再玩. 原本這位朋友想找一份生日禮物, 但我們到了一個wing chi. 因為原本他心底想著是yuw水. 而最尾...

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