關於昨天While She Sleeps新MV"Silence Speaks"與Oli婊兄弟世紀大和解,Metal Hammer做了一個專訪我想來翻譯給大家看看,節錄以下我認為最重要的一段:
Oli, how did you end up recording with While She Sleeps?
Oli: "There has been some tension between our two bands for a while due to some personal stuff, and it just built up a bit to the point where neither band really knew why we were still being so hostile to one another, so we put it all to bed, and that was around the time they were working on the crowdfund campaign for their album. Hurricane was the first thing I’d heard from them since the first album, and it honestly blew me away how much they had progressed as a band. It got me really excited and I just wanted to help out in any way that I could. I offered them my home studio for some vocals as I knew they were doing it all themselves, and were up against it time-wise, and Mat [Welsh, guitar] asked me if I’d be interested in doing a guest on the album."
Oli,結果你是怎麼跟While She Sleeps開始一起錄音?
Oli:一直以來我們雙方樂團都因為私人因素而有一些緊張的關係存在,而這個局勢發展到我們都不太知道為何還要對對方顯露出如此的敵意,所以我們決定盡釋前嫌,而當時剛好是他們正在為了新專輯展開群眾募資活動的時候,"Hurricane"這首歌是從第一張專輯以後我首次聽到的作品,對於這幾年來他們身為一個樂團所展現出的長足進步確實讓我非常驚訝,這讓我非常的興奮也想要盡我所能地幫助他們。基於了解他們做音樂的DIY方法又有些時間壓力所以我提供了我的home studio讓他們使用,Mat也問我是否有興趣當他們專輯的特別嘉賓。
備註:While She Sleeps吉他手Mat Welsh的刺青師前女友Hannah Pixie Snowdon分手後與Oli在一起而後結婚,應該就是造成雙方樂團關係緊張的主要原因,但兩人婚姻因為Hannah出軌而破局,只維持了約五個月。另外也因為和解所以WSS近期參與了多次BMTH歐洲與澳洲巡迴暖場。