Garam Kasar 2kg + Lada Hitam 100g
Saja aku nak kongsi.
Panjang sikit hari ni,sape rajin bacalah.Kalau malas abaikan je.
Dah lebih seminggu aku cuba rawatan ni, jadi sambil buat rawatan ni aku tergerak nak kongsi apa yg aku rasa sepanjang aku amal rawatan ni.Ijazah rawatan ni aku dapat dr video Ustaz Hanafi,salah seorang 'cancer survivor'.Alhamdulilah terima kasih ustaz atas ilmunya.Ok ni link videonya ya :
Continue ReadingRough Salt 2 kg + Black Pepper 100 g
I just wanted to share.
It's a little longer today, whoever's diligent to read it. If you're lazy just ignore it.
I've tried this treatment for more than a week, so while doing this treatment I'm moved to share what I feel while I'm doing this treatment. I received this degree from Ustaz Hanafi's video, one of the ' cancer survivor '. Alhamdulilah thank you ustaz for the knowledge. Ok here is the video link:
Sisters I have done it for a long time, always tell the best story, but that's it.. I'm lazy to do it.. I'm doing it now haha.. 😂😂😂
Okay, simple, there are some different things that I can feel, even though I just made it consistently in a week.
First, the wind comes out of the body. Throughout this treatment session, it's really burp.. the body feels light, it feels different.
Secondly, haa this is great, I think my digestive system has a very significant change. I really have problems with peeing, thank God after doing this with Allah's permission, it feels very different. Relieved that there's no feeling of not satisfied like before.. like that also pooping, lawas. If you think about it, salt + black pepper has a great effect like this.. only with His permission..
Ok the third one, my right knee since after the PKP that day is really difficult to fold. If you don't know what's wrong, you'll be forced to fold, but it's painful
That's why I'm working a lot of walking and standing long, so my right knee and other joints can do it. The second day I just made it Alhamdulilah I can feel the change. I can fold my knees as usual, no pain. Feels can be in joints especially when waking up in the morning is very reduced..
Allahu, it's like magic..
Fourth, this also gives me the best, sleeping is really crazy. It's really ' calm ' as the Javanese people say 😁😁😁.
Early in the beginning of yesterday, I'm sleeping too much, but it's fun.. hhaha.. it's different because I'm the type of sleep late, and it's hard Sometimes I want to sleep until an hour more than an hour and then I fall asleep. But Allah's permission, after a week I do this treatment I really sleep well, and want to sleep is easy, put my head on the pillow and it's already morning.. That's when you sleep tight, then we sleep well, although sometimes we sleep late but wake up early in the morning is easy and easy I don't feel like before, I'm weak to wake up. Another one, this treatment is like taking care of our sleep time, I used to do this treatment at night, after doing this treatment, my eyes are also tired, I want to sleep immediately. So I automatically sleep early, otherwise I'll just sleep late. People who are hard to sleep or insomnia, I encourage you to try it, hopefully there are benefits.
Fifth, for more than a week of doing this treatment I noticed that I am not tired easily. Before this, if he works his tiredness, it's like that. But this week my body feels good. Feeling light, not tired quickly.
According to Ustaz Hanafi, the treatment of using salt and black pepper is also one of the Islamic medicine methods especially those related to genie or witchcraft. Practicing this treatment Insyallah can prevent the disturbance of the jin. So before doing that I start with the reading of Bismilah 5, Pray for the visitation of His Majesty Rosulallah Sollu Alann Nabiy, Ayatul chair and I intend to heal the disease and disturbance that is inside me. But that's me, that's all I know, for those who have more knowledge read the verses related to treating distractions, hopefully it's more effective.
Okay, I plan to do it for 40 days, take the stories of the Prophet's story. After that I want to have a little distance in a few times a week. I encourage anyone who wants to try, those who are not sick can try. After all the capital has not reached RM10. So that's what I share, ooo, before I forget, for those who want to try, don't forget to drink a lot of water, at least 8 glasses / 2 liter a day. Another treatment effect for everyone may be different, so whoever wants to try it can see what changes happen after doing this treatment, don't forget to share with me and others. As for salt, this black pepper is all just asbab, just a part of our efforts, healing only comes with Allah Azza Wa Jall's permission. Insyallah.
Credit: Muhamed Azizi Nan
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