When I say I love you, I LOVE YOU ALL <3
We are sorry we couldn't make this sweety dessert done in time tonight, but we are not sorry for it because tonight we gotta something more important for us:
one of the fans who she is having her severe depression sickness was sending messages to letting us know how does our food and smile touching her none-smiling years so far... It wasn't the first time people telling us our food made them feel happiness, we were taking it as an honor before till now tonight, we felt the duty, the messages are all into Chinese, so you may not understand it, but we told her we will starts to do some desert these days for her and she will soon brings the pictures which were taken from her old habit with her own life story book for us to letting us know we are more than what we thought.
It was not an easy days for us these days, but thanks for all of you, you are also supported us more than you thought!
We White Chef Vladi and Yellow Tremper will be always remember to be ourself!
We love you all and 1000 times of thanks to sharing us your secret!
親愛的菜迷們要跟你們說白色黃色今晚趕不及出甜甜了啦...可是,我們一點都不覺得抱歉; 相反的我們反而覺得自己有更深沈的重擔在肩頭上挺著了!
也許換我們會回春,轉身變成足球小將翼,你們總說是我們的人好親切正向的解救你們; 其實,被拯救的是我們! 你們輕輕咬下食物後那一臉的春光才是我們作食物的最大光和宇宙; 你們邊聽邊唏噓哭泣的想念和那一份份深深緊緊的肉身擁抱才是我們旅行分享的最大泉源。
謝謝你們相信我們,我們 White Chef Vladi 白色天菜廚師 和 黃色的旅行者 Yellow Tremper 會更克盡己守的作我們自己,愛我們自己,然後我們才能有更強大的力量去愛更多個還未見的你!
別說我們沒預告黃色要帶白色去她心中的第二個家鄉日本去,於是乎從明天開始到一月底我們會盡量出現在逢甲的,下次見面就說你今天Whellow了嗎 <3