“I wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness, but indeed you do bear with me. For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy. For I married you to one husband, that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ. But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve in his craftiness, so your minds might be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if you receive a different spirit, which you did not receive, or a different “good news”, which you did not accept, you put up with that well enough. For I reckon that I am not at all behind the very best apostles. But though I am unskilled in speech, yet I am not unskilled in knowledge. No, in every way we have been revealed to you in all things. Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I preached to you God’s Good News free of charge? I robbed other assemblies, taking wages from them that I might serve you. When I was present with you and was in need, I wasn’t a burden on anyone, for the brothers, when they came from Macedonia, supplied the measure of my need. In everything I kept myself from being burdensome to you, and I will continue to do so.” (2 Corinthians 11:1-9 WEB)
In the passage above, Paul is speaking as a father to his daughter in the Lord.
The church is the bride, betrothed to Jesus and we are waiting for Him to receive us for the wedding.
Let us keep ourselves spiritually pure and not commit adultery by running off to believe in false gospels.
Paul taught the Corinthian church the true Gospel, but other false teachers were teaching a different, perverted gospel.
The Gospel is so simple: believe in Jesus and receive everything you need based on His finished work at the cross.
Man’s sinful flesh has a tendency to complicate it by adding works to it, saying we have to deserve the blessings by obedience to the Law.
The flesh says the Gospel is too good to be true—that it can’t be so easy.
That’s why many believers get bored of the Gospel, saying that they already heard it before and know about it.
However, true knowing means to apply it. If they know, then why aren’t they living by those truths?
It’s because the knowledge is in their mind, but the revelation has not reached the heart to cause true transformation.
Just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: there was only one rule. Don’t eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
God’s ways are simple because He wants to bless us based on His goodness at His expense.
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#Gospel #Jesus
who are the bored teachers 在 Roundfinger Facebook 的最佳解答
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...Continue Reading" Do we have to be successful in life, brother
A student walked in to ask after the lecture. This question is in my head to home. The question is interesting. But what I am more interested in ' answer ' is ' source ' of this question.
What makes a twenty-year-old girl ask this question?
I don't think she is the only one who has a question if it is a representative of the same age of the same age and grievance.
Is it possible that the root of this question is the tiredness from trying to chase success, pressure from seeing the 'good life' of those who look like successful fast surround themselves, including carrying expectations from Parents, relatives, teachers, teachers, including society. You must be smart.
Does the world have space to help? Announce a lot of 'success'. TV, online media, clip, interview. Anyone who has done anything will have space to tell their own story.
But -- the world has so little space for 'failure'
When someone hasn't done anything or incomplete, disappointed, so he feels alone, humiliated and doesn't know where to put these ' destruction ' in the world. When they look around, there are only areas of success.
' broken ' is kept in my heart. I don't go anywhere. Slowly spread to eat. Feeling good for yourself. I can't talk to friends. It's not consecrated with parents. Or encourage you to be more diligent. Be kind. I say " you can do it. Fight him "
But no one consent to us to lose.
When the destruction becomes a personal thing to keep, it's like a bad leavening that gradually works in the body. It's a bad disease that eats our heart. We are bored of the world. I feel bad about myself. It's a grey. This symptom has happened
We feel bad that this life has to 'win' only.
But 'loser' still happens every day. Btw, everyone will lose one day.
We focus too little on ' failure '. That's the cause of sickness in modern society.
When someone is heartbroken, I think it's a little bit. You should come back to be strong soon. When someone fails, we will tell him that they will be successful.
We barely care about ' failure ' in the present, but always look at ' success ' in the future.
An important area that should be together is a space for losers and failure, not a depressing area where we can talk about disappointment without being shy or even tell a failed attempt.
This can happen. Attitude to failure must change first. It's not embarrassing. It's not bad things. It's a share. Learn from each other. Embracing each other's feelings. Hold each other.
We should create a society where #failure is normal. Allow children to fail. Allow friends to fail and help to support each other through the beauty within the mind.
A society that has space for failure. When we miss, we will dare to tell the mistake. There is no suffering. No need to be embarrassed. Don't rush. We feel like this normal. We will not spread to the sickness.
" Do we have to be successful in life, brother
What I care more about is the emotion of the person who asks, which I feel that she carries the pressure that 'must be successful'
I replied to her "not necessary I mean success in the definition of normal people" but our lives need to be happy. We are born to live the way we like, not the way others like, but we have to answer ourselves first that life. What I like to be and try to build it without anyone's ruler to measure "
'life we like' for me, it may consist of failure because what we fail may be what we want to try. What we miss. It may be learning. People who disappoint us may be good memories in some aspects.
We can lose, we can miss and we have a life that we like. In the midst of those misses. It's not strange.
But one person can be strong in his own mind. It has to go through a fragile time at a young age. These days that people around you have an important role in helping him not be too deep from falling down.
We may be wrong to think that 'success makes life happy'. The opposite, life is longing, but success may be a severe suffering life.
Life that allows yourself to fail. It's a happy life.
If we live in a society that is not crazy, success, then we can like our lives with both ingredients. That is -- normal life.
While there is not quite a lot of ' space for failure ', we may have to create this space first. Allow ourselves to fail, disappoint, defeated, assemble it to be part of life without pushing away. Don't try to live life. Only doing whatever you Only only.
You can lose... embrace it
In terms of society, it's time to review things that we can help to be ' hungry for success '. What brings us to the point where we need to question the pressure of life. We should do. How to unfold the weight on their shoulders
Because it's the end, the society that focuses on success will not create ' successful ', but it will create a lot of ' patients ' from the pressure.
" Do we have to succeed in life
Should both succeed and fail because that's real life
The important thing is don't succeed and have a life that we don't like and don't forget that we can fail and still like your life.
When we don't allow anyone to define success and fail, we may see that the answer to this question is not ' must be successful ', but the answer is
We will be 'successful' according to whose definition.
Someone else or yourself
If it's your own definition, some failure can be part of a successful life.Translated
who are the bored teachers 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最佳解答
Following up on a question on our fb/ig LIVE last week on Sibling Rivalry, here's a previous Q&A on the same topic using the same Respectful Parenting principles.
For the next upcoming Toddler Wars! workshop, please check out Comma - Rethink Life! x
My daughter is very jealous of her brother. He is 6m old and she is 2 years old. When we are not looking, she will hit him or purposely disturb him. We tell her nicely not to do it but she doesn't listen. Sometimes we also scold her but she just ignore us and will do it again. Can you help?
Oh mama, first of all, I want you to know that you aren't alone. Sibling rivalry is such a major hot topic in fact we have a whole section in my upcoming Toddler Wars workshop that covers it!
Secondly, I want you to know that this is very normal behavior and your child is not a monster. She is just trying to make sense of her world the best way she knows how to so the heart behind Respectful Parenting is trying to understand where she is coming from then responding as a parent to help her navigate through it.
The first thing I would do before even addressing the problem with her is to really think about how much intentional one-on-one time you might be spending with your daughter. In my workshops, we call this "mama time" and it is key in keeping your little one grounded.
The aim of mama time is to just be present for her - let her lead, make each other laugh, play play play, love on each other, fill her love tank. The reason why that is step one is because unless she feels a connection with mama, or has that intimacy with you, the rest of the answers won't work because that ultimately is what every child craves and seeks.
A lot of times as parents we want to fix the problem. That's what we do, we are fixers. The problem sometimes with always fixing is that there is no space to just breathe or feel or allow all these messy ugly feelings to happen. If we don't teach our littles that it's okay to have these feelings and empower them to deal with it, what will they do later on when they grow up and have to face all the same emotions by themselves?
Talk to her about what is going on. No lectures, no shaming, no blaming. What is going on? How can I help you? You are feeling very frustrated/angry/hurt/jealous. Help them label those feelings so they also understand what is happening.
Instead of saying "You are the older sister, you have to love him, you really love him right?" try asking and acknowledging instead what she might be feeling. Jealousy? Left out? Bored? Hangry? Overstimulated? Understimulated? Attention?
It is amazing how much just giving them the words and echoing their feelings will help them feel understood and heard. The aim is to work on the root cause, not the symptoms.
"You were feeling really sad that mama had to hold the baby and you don't like it."
If it is a safety issue, we always step in whether it's physically removing her from her brother or keeping them apart if you are not there to supervise.
When you remove her, you stay calm and confident and let her know that "I am so sorry, I cannot let you hit brother. It isn't safe, I have to protect you both."
It is also being vigilant in knowing what her usual trigger points are and preventing those situations from happening as much as possible.
Lastly, the most important step is to empower her with tools for dealing with her jealousy. What other things can she hit if she's looking for that sensory output? What can she do when she feels jealous? What are some good solutions that can help her? The idea is that you ask her these questions and work out a solution that works for the whole team.
"What can you do the next time you need mama but mama is with the baby?"
When you involve your little in coming out with the solution, they are much more likely to follow through and to really understand why and what and how.
Teaching your little to honor and take charge of her feelings is a lifelong gift and skill and who better to navigate that with than with mama?
Always always remember that and that staying calm and confident is always half the battle won already.
You got this, mama!
Racheal Kwacz is a Child and Family Development Specialist, mama tribe advocate and writer. As creator of the ‘Racheal Method’, she combines her 20+ years experience working with children in the USA and in Asia with the foundations of ‘Respectful Parenting’, leading parents and teachers around the world to raise kind, confident, compassionate, resilient little ones.
To learn more about my upcoming Toddler Wars! workshop with Kidxy, check out: