We had our flu shots this week as Ella Grace prepares to go back to school and start a new term! ❤️🎉
As a family that travels a lot and with Ella Grace and mama’s asthma, we feel it’s important as a family to be protected and that includes popo and nounou too!
I’ve attached some quick facts on influenza in English, Malay, and Chinese (swipe to read and share) but some additional notes I would add are:
* The vaccine does not completely prevent the risk of influenza as there are many strains but does significantly reduce it.
* It takes at least 2 weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective so take it as soon as possible. We usually take it in October when the new composition comes out but for some reason or another, we totally procrastinated this year.
* It’s important to take a yearly flu shot as the makers collate the 4 most popular strains of the previous year for influenza A and B.
* Pregnant mamas are also encouraged to take it as it not only protects them but their baby will also be covered for the first few months of life.
* As soon as your little or you start showing signs and symptoms of influenza (severe lethargy, high fevers, aches and pains, general malaise), start on antivirals (tamiflu) ASAP as the quicker you can get it in your system, the more effective it will be.
* For little ones, if your pharmacy is able to do so, opt for crushing the pills vs the liquid form as I find the nausea to be significantly less. Also taking anti-nausea meds 30-45mins before administering each Tamiflu dosage will keep your child more comfortable.
* Influenza A & B is brutal on both adults and little ones. They feel awful and honestly, your heart breaks a lot. I’ve attached some info on emergency warning signs as complications can make it fatal.
* DO NOT take ibuprofen (neurofen/voltaren) for fevers unless you’ve consulted an up-to-date knowledgeable pediatrician as cases have shown it to make the infection worst. As much as possible, try to treat fevers with paracetamol.
*Prevention is cure so flu shots and good hand washing practices are still the best. ❤️
As for how we prepared Ella Grace for her flu shots using the PLEASE tool:
Talk about the flu vaccination - what it does and why and whatever else they might want to know about it. Be honest and talk to her about what to expect. Don’t lie that it won’t hurt (our amazing Dr Rakhee also changes the needle to a much smaller one so it was significantly less painful!), we also talked about previous experiences w her pediatricians and she was also very delighted that our whole kampung was going with her to get our shots together. We had this conversation a few times leading up to it so it wasn’t a surprise and in fact she was skipping to the hospital.
Physically also make sure it’s a good day to get it done - eat, sleep, not under or overstimulated, that is half the battle sorted! If the wait is long, bring along a few activities or even better, use that time to connect and play together.
Ask if she has any concerns or fears or anything she’s confused about. We switched the location on her (we were meant to see Dr Rakhee in her other office in Baby Beyond Publika but did it at Ara Damansara Medical instead)
As Ella Grace sat down at the chair, she started getting nervous that it would hurt so I held her in my lap and genuinely empathized that she was feeling scared and unsure, that she didn’t want it to hurt, that she didn’t want the jab anymore.
It’s also so important for you to remain calm and confident. Take breaths together. Even if I don’t say anything, she knows when I am scared, tense or nervous but if I am present and calm, it helps her to feel secure and calm too.
Empathize and acknowledge “You’re worried it will hurt” and then stop there. Don’t dismiss it, invalidate it, by saying “but it’s nothing, it won’t hurt, etc”. Allow and trust your child to experience her feelings so she is able to fully move through it and it will help so much in the long run esp for future dr visits because she’s processed it fully in a safe space.
Sitting with your child while they express their feelings through tears, words, tantrums, in whatever way they need to is so important. It’s holding space and boundaries for them with love.
It says in so many ways, you are safe. I got you. I see you. I love you. I am with you.
Only when your little feels safe and loved can they use their thinking, logical, rational brain which helps them take ownership and find solutions. Remember also that it’s whatever makes sense to them to give them a sense of control in the things that they cannot control that is pivotal here.
For Ella Grace, it was a silly unicorn headband to help her feel brave that she then insisted would help everyone else too. 😂❤️
A sense of control was also allowing her to pick her bandaid (Frozen Anna & Elsa of course), the order of who would go first (she opted youngest to oldest) as well as “helping” Dr Rakhee and letting her watch the procedure.
You got this, mama! Let’s keep our babies and families protected! 💪
We went to our favorite pediatric vaccine specialist Dr Rakhee (she practices in Baby & Beyond Child Specialist Clinic Publika and Ara Damansara Medical Centre) she’s the best and most knowledgeable on vaccine schedules for travel as well as developmental but you can also go to your favorite family doctor or pediatrician etc. Just call before to make sure they have stock esp if you’re bringing your whole kampung at once too!
The side-effects vary according to individual but ours ranged across from body aches to lethargy, headaches etc for the first 48 hours which is a walk in the park compared to full blown influenza.
I also feel it’s super important to note that with influenza season coming to its peak, please remember to take all preventative steps at the clinics and hospitals when you visit as it’s a Petri dish! 😅❌😷
Hope this helps in getting the info out to your loved ones.