由於她所著作的”寫日記的公主”一書, 嘉莉·費雪在星期天的葛萊美頒獎典禮榮獲”最佳語錄”獎
At Sunday’s Grammy Awards, Carrie Fisher was honored for best spoken word album for her book “The Princess Diarist.”
2016年所出的這本回憶錄的靈感是來自於嘉莉·費雪在書中記錄著1977年在拍攝星戰時的的日記. 在她辭世於2016年12月27日的五周之前, 嘉莉·費雪所著作的這第四本書透露出更多當時往事, 其中包括與哈里遜福特在拍攝時的親密關係.
The 2016 memoir was inspired by the diary entries that Fisher wrote while working on the first “Star Wars” film in 1977. Released five weeks before her death on Dec. 27, 2016, Fisher’s fourth book revealed even more details from her past, including an onset affair with co-star Harrison Ford.
這是嘉莉·費雪在兩次葛萊美提名中第一次獲得該獎項. 前一次提名是2008年的” 獨角戲”(我是不會這樣翻啦, 可是這本有中文版). 嘉莉·費雪在”寫日記的公主”歐洲巡迴簽名會結束後, 飛回洛杉磯的歸途中與世長辭.
This was Fisher’s second Grammy nomination and first win, following her nod for spoken word for her 2008 book “Wishful Drinking.” The actress died after she stopped breathing on a plane returning home to Los Angeles after finishing the European leg of her “The Princess Diarist” book tour.