DATE 8/13/2016
TIME 9:30am
LOCATION California Room
金額部份:機票至少要預估5萬,住宿一天也需要估3000元。粗估總旅費需要9萬左右。 更確定人數後,會提供更精確的行程、日期與經費。
2016 Convention
the 44th Annual NFA Convention in San Diego, California is now open! Join us August 11-14, 2016
as thousands of flutists gather to celebrate the beauty, inspiration, diversity, lifelong learning, and collaboration that we share. Come play with us in San Diego
開幕長笛團:Plan to participate: Opening flute orchestra concert (The Pacific Coast Flute Orchestra), conducted by Peter Sheridan
大師班:Masterclasses by: Robert Aitken, Denis Bouriakov, Linda Chesis, Tadeu Coelho, Brad Garner, Nicola Mazzanti, Greg Pattillo and PROJECT Trio, Kathie Stewart, Linda Toote, Peter Verhoyen, and Carol Wincenc
終身獎:Celebrate and Congratulate: Lifetime Achievement Award recipients Katherine Hoover and James Pellerite
閉幕大師音樂會:Gala Concerto Concert: Ransom Wilson, conductor; Walter Auer, Jennifer Gunn, Adrianne Greenbaum, Göran Marcusson, and Trudy Kane, soloists
週五大師音樂會:Friday Gala performers: Robert Aitken, Denis Bouriakov, Bonita Boyd, and Gergely Ittzés
Flute Lovers’ Lunch with Göran Marcusson
Teachers’ Breakfast with Bonita Boyd
24 Flute choirs from Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, California, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, Arizona, and more
Youth Flute Day: Sunday, August 14, designed for ages 12 and up
70組展商:More than 70 exhibiting companies
室內樂音樂會:Chamber Music: Combinations of all kinds, including woodwind quintet, flute/cello/piano, flute and percussion, flute and harp, flute and guitar, flute and voice, and flute quartet