I’ve been seeing the #bestnine2017 thing going around, and thought I’d do one with my best nine lessons/thoughts/reflections of 2017. These lessons are by no means learnt btw!! 😂😂 Still a loooong looong way to go, but hey, its a start ☺️
1. This has been a year of a lot of change. Change can be very stressful. And I have actually been very stressed. If u asked me what about, I also wouldn’t know how to pinpoint it #yayoverthinking Hahaha but, regardless;
2. Maybe it is a sign. An indication. A clear, inescapable, make-sure-I-know-sign, that it is time, for me to;
3. Grow. That I have to learn to be whole on my own. Not because “I’m all that”, but because my selfworth and happiness is nobody else’s responsibility but mine, and it is unfair to expect other people to make me happy;
4. We are all just figuring things out. Other people’s actions do not define my worth. And vice versa. When I’m not depending on other people to validate me, I find myself better able to set healthy boundaries. Actually, I wouldn’t use the word “poorly”. I’d re-word that. “Don’t allow someone to overstep your boundaries just because you love them.” And I expect people to enforce the same rule on me;
5. Reciprocity.
6. Gratitude. I am immensely grateful to the people who love me. I want to say i don’t deserve it because, goodness knows, i feel that, but;
7. I have to learn to speak to myself kindly. So I will instead say “I am grateful and that I will try my best to return as much love as I can, thank you for being so patient.” If I cannot be kind to myself, I won’t know how to be kind to anyone else.
8. And this is something I posted earlier this year, my wish for 2018, and my wish for all of you✨✨✨
9. Believe. ♥️ happy new year my dears.