短短的旅遊要結束了,明天還要上班上課。全家都不想離開礁溪寒沐酒店 MU JIAO XI HOTEL所以在去游泳池,小朋友玩水大人泡湯。戶外有三個溫泉池,31度我們覺得比較涼,41.7度又太熱,37.6度正好。愛泡湯的朋友你們喜歡熱一點還是涼一點?謝謝旁邊的媽媽借我門超大的充氣棒棒糖。👌🏻要回家了,我們不快走就要大塞車了。
Our shirt little vacation is coming to an end cuz we gotta get home for work and school tomorrow morning. BUT no one wants to leave! We having so much fun at the MU Hotel in JiaoXi, Yilan so we decided to pop down to the pool one more time so the kids could play. We tried in the three outdoor hot springs at 31C, 37.6C, and 41.7C. We found the 37.6C pool to be just right for the warm weather. Which one do you guys like? Thanks to the mom next to us for letting us play with the giant inflatable🍭. Anyway we gotta go home soon cuz if we don’t leave, the traffic is gonna be horrible.