[News / 甜點新聞] Cédric Grolet Opéra 新店近況更新 / Cedric Grolet Opéra boutique updates (for English, please click “see more”)
昨天經過巴黎 Opéra 歌劇院附近,順道代大家去看了一眼 Cédric Grolet 主廚的新店裝修情況。不看還好,一看之下覺得離開幕可能還有一陣😂 不過門外貼著一幅巨型海報,其中透露幾個非常重要的訊息,其一是這家店會是「#由CG團隊成員經營CG品牌的店」,而不是他獨尊自己一人的地方。其二則是,#這不會是一個嚴肅的甜點麵包店,品牌定位將會和 Le Meurice 以及他的第一家店有明顯的區隔。
這張海報上出現了四位甜點師,#唯獨沒有Cédric主廚本人。只有在「CG」的設計 logo 上能夠看出這是屬於他的品牌。意外嗎?我想大家應該都有一點。但如果你還記得我和 Cédric 的主廚專訪中,他強調 #團隊 的重要性,便能理解背後的意涵。他認為,對一個甜點主廚而言,「除了創作、管理之外,最關鍵的其實是擁有一個『#能夠追隨你到最後的團隊』」。「能夠創作出世界上最美的作品很好,但是需要有能力承擔責任、並將工作成果發揮乘數效果」。
這張海報海報中的四人分別是目前 Le Meurice 酒店甜點廚房中的副執行主廚(chef adjoint)Yohann Caron 、副主廚(sous-chef pâtissier)Ariitea Rossignol 、小組長(chef de partie)Mathieu Serai 與甜點師(pâtissier)Sébastien Morin,都是 Cédric 主廚重要的團隊成員,如果有在追蹤主廚的粉絲們應該不陌生。Opéra 的新店開幕之後,他們將會是營運這家店的靈魂人物。海報中這四個人都沒有穿正式廚師服,而是穿著個人的私服,顯示這很可能會是一家氣氛較為輕鬆自由、且 #與一般大眾更沒有距離感的店。
Yohann Caron 主廚日前已在他 Instagram 帳戶(@yohanncaron)上將自己的職稱更改為「Chef @cedricgroletopera」,即「Cédric Grolet Opéra 主廚」。也就是說,他會正式開始擔任這家店的 #管理與新品開發的負責人角色,而不只是 Cédric 主廚的副手。至於他是否會繼續在 Le Meurice 擔任副執行主廚、其他團隊成員是否也一起從 Le Meurice 轉至 Cédric 主廚自己的品牌下,接下來應該會逐漸明朗。在這樣的安排下,Cédric 主廚 #身為創業家與經營管理者的角色也越趨清晰,我們在期待他與團隊即將帶給大家的驚喜的同時,也似乎可以預見一個新甜點帝國的崛起。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
本人就是品牌!Cédric Grolet 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y5z5ncsu
巴黎人時尚新寵!連 Cédric 主廚都要開麵包店:https://tinyurl.com/y3o5g399
Yohann Caron 主廚的 Instagram 帳戶:https://tinyurl.com/yxohln2e
I happened to pass by the Opéra neighborhood yesterday and had a look at the chef Cédric Grolet’s new shop, soon to be opened on the Avenue. It is still under construction which seems to take some time. But interesting and very important messages are conveyed by the huge poster on the storefront. First, it features 4 pâtissiers but the chef himself is not there. He was only represented by his “CG” logo. Apparently this boutique is going to be run by CG’s team under his own brand. Secondly, this boutique is going to have a completely different positioning compared to Le Meurice and CG’s first shop.
Feeling surprised? If you still remember how the Chef described the importance of a good team and team work in the interview I had with him, then you shouldn’t be too stunned. “Besides creations and management, the most critical work of a chef is actually to have a team that will follow you till the end”. “It is great to create the most beautiful dessert in the world, but you got to have the capability to take on responsibilities and have the results multiplied,” the best pastry chef of the world shared with us his secret to be successful.
The four pâtissiers on the poster are Yohann Caron, the chef adjoint, Ariitea Rossignol, sous-chef pâtissier, Mathieu Serai, chef de partie, and Sébastien Morin, pâtissier, important members of the pastry team at Le Meurice. They’re going to be the core of the new boutique and those who really run it. The fact that they're not in their vests but their own outfits means very likely that this boutique will be having a more young and free spirit and will be less distant to the general public.
The chef Yohann Caron has changed his title from “Chef adjoint at Le Meurice” to “Chef @cedricgroletopera” on his Instagram profile (@yohanncaron), which means that rather than “CG’s deputy and supporter”, he’ll be officially responsable for the management and new product development of the new boutique. Whether or not him and other team members will maintain their posts at Le Meurice is still in question but it’s for sure that Cédric Grolet, best pastry chef of the world, is starting turning a new page of his career as an entrepreneur and an owner of a new business.
🔖 To read more on this topic:
He himself is the brand - Interview with Cédric Grolet: https://tinyurl.com/y5z5ncsu
The kitchen brigade and hierarchy: https://tinyurl.com/y4wva4h3
The new shop of Cédric Grolet will be a bakery, too! Bread, a rising star in Paris: https://tinyurl.com/y3o5g399
Yohann Caron's Instagram account: https://tinyurl.com/yxohln2e
#yingspastryguide #paris #cedricgrolet #cedricgroletopera
yohanncaron 在 吱滋老師的臭臉烘焙社 Facebook 的最佳解答
還在嫌蛋糕 貴嗎?
The famous Rubiks Cake, I managed to get 1 cube XD #rubikscake #cedricgrolet #yohanncaron #masterclass #bangkok #pastry #patisserie #miguelloo #flavor太誇張
yohanncaron 在 吱滋老師的臭臉烘焙社 Facebook 的精選貼文
法國廚神Chef Cedric Grolet最著名的招牌蛋糕,Rubik's Cake裝飾中。
Chef Cedric grolet's most profound pastry, Rubik's Cake.
#Rubikscake #perfect #cedricgrolet #yohanncaron #merci #masterclass #pastry #bangkok #passion #miguelloo