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關於鬼蝠魟的評價, ETtoday新聞雲

嗚嗚嗚嗚~牠....在求救...謝謝這些潛水客😭😭😭(#丹利老爹) 影/3米長鬼蝠魟主動靠近 潛水客愣2秒驚覺:牠在求救! https://www.ettoday.net/news/20190713...

因應疫情 🦠 我們很遺憾要跟大家說3/7 Empire Aqua的淨灘活動要延期 待疫情穩定我們會再舉辦淨灘活動 請大家見諒 🙏🏻 也謝謝大家的支持Empire Aqua 🦈 鯊魚T-Shirt 一部分的收入也捐給了 OneOcean Diving #oneoceanglobal #oneoceanconservation #oneoceanresearch Empire Aqua 最新的鬼蝠魟T-Shirt 很快會上架 一部分的收入我們會捐給 Manta Trust 🤙🏻 請大家耐心等待 最後希望大家身體健康 一切平安 Peace ✌🏻❤️ Due to the Coronavirus, Empire Aqua is sorry to inform everyone that our March 7 beach cleanup will be postponed until further notice. This is the best decision for everyone, hope you all can understand. 🙏🏻 Empire Aqua beach cleanups will continue soon. However, good news is we are happy to announce we have donated part of the proceeds of our Empire Aqua 🦈 Shark t-shirts to One Ocean Conservation! Also, our new Empire Aqua Manta Ray t-shirts will be out very soon and part of the proceeds will go to the Manta Trust! We wish everyone stay safe and healthy. Peace ✌🏻❤️ Empire Aqua

因應疫情 🦠 我們很遺憾要跟大家說3/7 Empire Aqua的淨灘活動要延期 待疫情穩定我們會再...