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關於abo小說肉的評價, 醉琉璃的新基地

喜歡BL甜文的小夥伴看過來~看過來~~ 車技一流的釉子酒要出本啦🎉🎉 《親愛的我把你掰彎了》的甜蜜番外集,讓你們一口氣吃糖吃肉吃滿滿 在預購期間購買,就能獲得✨放閃畫卡✨ 預購時間至201...

【coser No cos】 21:30-22:30 . 主題/Topic:BL小說/BL novel. . 小說一堆分類好混亂阿,穿越阿..高干阿..ABO啊... 你們最喜歡怎樣類型的BL小說呢? . Nowadays, BL novels divide into different genres…..such as time-travel, ABO, senior cadre ….etc. What type of story you prefer? Do you have great affection towards certain CP or story? ———————————. ps/ The live streaming will be in Chinese. However, if there’s any question that you would like to ask about this live streaming but couldn’t type in Chinese, you can comment it in English! We will check the message and reply you after the live streaming over.

【coser No cos】 21:30-22:30 . 主題/Topic:BL小說/BL nove...