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關於aggressive的評價, 謝佳見 Melvin Sia

剛剛試了最新,還未發表的Lexus IS200T,好爽! 顏色炫麗,外型具有侵略性,性能也明顯比之前的改進許多;相信很多年輕人會喜歡,因為它根本就是台跑車~~~💨💨💨 很適合我吧?! Just...

關於aggressive中文的評價, 謝立聖插畫

怎麼想也沒想到,武漢肺炎會意外的讓台灣人有了共同的光榮感,如果台灣人可以因此更加團結的話,應該是這個疫情,幫台灣上的最珍貴的一課! 請大家先看一下這段英文: 「Taiwan, despit...

3 #StayAtHome exercises that burn massive calories. This is for all levels! Most crazy exercises can be technical, but not this 3. They are easy to implement yet aggressive enough to get you sweating. You can choose one of these exercises and do by "set", 10-20 reps (or more) for each set, and take a quick break and repeat. Or you can do all of them in a circuit training format, and that would be so much fun! Keep calm and workout at home, no excuses! Stay strong with Guardian Malaysia #GuardianMY

3 #StayAtHome exercises that burn massive calories...