AMMO ”, a slang term for ammunition, is also an acronym for Asia, Modern, Museum and Original,... Hong Kong, Hong Kong. ... <看更多>
AMMO ”, a slang term for ammunition, is also an acronym for Asia, Modern, Museum and Original,... Hong Kong, Hong Kong. ... <看更多>
AMMO Hong Kong Travel, Heritage Site, 19th Century, Restaurant, Japanese, Trip. More like this. Barbara Lustbader. 87 followers ... ... <看更多>
今集我要帶大家去嘅餐廳呢,其實有啲隱世嘅。點解咁講,因為佢地址真係有啲神秘,話就話係金鐘,但原來喺馬會保育嘅前英軍軍火庫,喺金鐘三寶斜對面嘅 ... ... <看更多>