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關於big dub的評價, GamingDose

รับชมตัวอย่าง Watch Dogs Legion ฉบับพากย์ไทยทางการโดยทีมพากย์ Tanudan . ถือเป็นอีกหนึ่งเซอร์ไพรส์...

It probably isn't easy being my kid. You have to come home on your own after school from P2 onwards, you have to learn to cook and you have to help out with chores no matter if you have homework, spelling or even exam the next day. Barely three weeks into 2020, I think I've made these kids work pretty hard, including helping to spring clean the house, doing the never ending laundry and getting our meals served. Yet, from their happy faces, it seems like they were quite willing to help out mah, 不是吗? Haha. Many of you asked me what kind of kids' knives do they use to cut with and I always reply saying that they use the knives that I use too. At what age did they start to cut? Three. Can they do it and not hurt themselves? Yes, with guidance and supervision until they are independent enough. It's just like how we skipped training chopsticks altogether and let them use the proper ones since they were one year old. Funnily, many people dub the boy as the chopsticks expert, even now (remember how he could pick up marbles when he was two?). But the only reason why he can do it so well is because we let him try. And practise, practise and more practise. I remember helping my mum to mince meat frequently, yes with a chopper, when I was in primary school. Thus, I let the little sister aka the enthusiatic chef in our home do it nowadays too and she actually enjoys it. So it's not so much about what age they must be before they can do a certain task, it's more about whether they are able, willing and ready to do it. And they won't be, if you never let them try. As for the big girl, I am hoping she will keep up her motivation to help out, no matter how busy P5 life gets. It can be a way to destress mah, right? 功课再怎么忙,饭还是得吃,对吗? You still gotta eat no matter how busy you get, and if you gotta eat, then you gotta help lor. As simple as that. She has been showing more interest in the kitchen nowadays and I totally welcome that, even if it means she stays up a little to finish her homework. So, to the endless chores to come, I say bring it on. And to my kids, hopefully one day you will thank me lah. #都是为了你好 #ahappymum #从小做起 #choresstartfromyoung #howwesurvivewithouthelp

It probably isn't easy being my kid. You have to ...