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關於cabincrew中文的評價, Ayo-侑侑

關於空服這件事情⋯ - 我大學畢業前錄取綠色航空,受訓幾天後收到安娜通知,就離職去🇯🇵受訓、飛行了三年,目前則是在商務航空任職中。 - 有很多朋友問我為什麼當時選擇到日本當空服? - 其實是圓自己...

2020新加坡航空台籍空服員招募&面試流程 Taiwan China We will be conducting a recruitment exercise for Cabin Crew in Taipei, Taiwan, in March 2020. If you meet the following requirements, we will be pleased to receive your application and meet you at our interviews: * University degree holder * Proficiency in English and Mandarin * Willing to be based in Singapore *大學學歷 (開放大學應屆畢業生來報考) *語言條件精通英文及中文者 *願意居住在新加坡 ✈新加坡航招募流程:線上報名→入圍者先網路視訊方式面試→面試→體檢→報到 線上報名連結🔗: Application Details Online application is now open until 16 February 2020. If you are interested to join us as cabin crew, please submit an online application. If you encounter issues creating a new applicant profile, please click on “Forgot Password?” in the Log In page. Kindly enter your email address in the login credentials field. Once you have received your new password, please sign in via the Log in page. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a video interview online, and candidates that pass the video interview will be invited to attend face-to-face interviews in Taipei, in early March 2020. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified. 新加坡航空線上報名教學連結: https://youtu.be/EwrU5uRYgyc 新加坡航空履歷表教學: https://youtu.be/86yOTYQQoUE 視訊面試教學連結: https://youtu.be/6YJIMFYL9fo 外商航空履歷教學: https://youtu.be/XAkw_uSwgqU 影片取自網路

2020新加坡航空台籍空服員招募&面試流程 Taiwan China We will be con...