關於advent calendar的評價, QQmei
又到了孩子們最愛的聖誕月!之前幫Q姐弟買好的聖誕降臨曆(Advent Calendar)也終於能拿出來讓他們玩。 只是.....QDD完全沒有「等待」的概念,一口氣就瘋狂戳了五個、戳不過癮還跑去...
又到了孩子們最愛的聖誕月!之前幫Q姐弟買好的聖誕降臨曆(Advent Calendar)也終於能拿出來讓他們玩。 只是.....QDD完全沒有「等待」的概念,一口氣就瘋狂戳了五個、戳不過癮還跑去...
A pic of the haunting blue moon tonight, caught during a break in the clouds. It is a “blue” moon, b...
Happy Birthday to everyone! Today is 人日 (rén rì), the 7th day of the lunar calendar. According to Ch...
生活實用文小貼士✨ #好Apps推介 #誰也有種責任好好打理自己 期待已久一一終於開學了🥳🥳 我有更多時間打理自己(做Facial/剪頭髮/整甲/做運動/約朋友聚下) 另外就係重新安排下一一的興...
My calendar!! It’s August💕八月開始了! 🔺https://shopee.tw/judysweety1026 我的簽名寫真桌曆2019、2020你買了沒💋每個月都有養眼驚喜👀!...
Great end to a good week. Finished my Eco Certification. Passed my exams and now im officially a Ree...
Only 2 weeks left until L'Arc-en-Ciel LIVE 2015 L'ArCASINO tickets go on sale! Mark your calendar f...
The Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar is a highlight of the local festival calendar. Like many Singaporea...
I will be on leave until the end of the month. Will update as and when I see something interesting....
Employees in Taiwan will have 116 days off work in 2021, including weekends, eight long weekends las...