關於cumbersome的評價, 熊仔
overcome 克服 scum 雜碎 slum 貧民窟 succumb to 屈服於 cumbersome 累贅的 punchline人 back at it 三分鐘熱度之阿熊英文 猜artist...
overcome 克服 scum 雜碎 slum 貧民窟 succumb to 屈服於 cumbersome 累贅的 punchline人 back at it 三分鐘熱度之阿熊英文 猜artist...
有人話我唔應該恥笑陳偉霆啲英文。就咁,我已經話過,佢紅唔係因為英文好,我接受,我係唔明 Chanel 廣告團隊點俾呢段片喺冇修正下出街。我亦唔係針對口音問題,係發音錯誤。之但係William 哥讀 S...
Undergoing #ReLExSmile made a lot of sense for me ...
TL;DR Tweet at me, dear LinkedIn Community! @kuant...
FORUM: Planning for the Future: Decentralisation a...
[開箱文] 早在5月已經訂了這盒貓頭鷹限定版顏料,全部是珍珠/金屬色調,等了好幾個月才到手@@ ...
好熱的天 來詩情畫意一下 看看能不能稍稍消暑... 生如夏花 泰戈爾 鄭振鐸譯 ...
Kicking off the year with an awesome collaboration...
Seasoning each ingredient🐮🔥 with sugar and soy sa...