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關於cumbersome中文的評價, 林作

有人話我唔應該恥笑陳偉霆啲英文。就咁,我已經話過,佢紅唔係因為英文好,我接受,我係唔明 Chanel 廣告團隊點俾呢段片喺冇修正下出街。我亦唔係針對口音問題,係發音錯誤。之但係William 哥讀 S...

“When you have a disease, it's important to have a technology to rely on.” 🥋⭐️🏆 Alizée Agier (@AgierAlizee on IG) is a karate world champion from France with type 1 diabetes. A high-tech glucose sensor frees her to focus on the fight. In the past, the only way for Agier to check her glucose levels was through a cumbersome blood prick test -- a challenging process for a professional athlete. The Freestyle Libre, a sensor that allows diabetics to easily monitor their glucose levels in real time, had a transformative effect on Agier who believes this device could be life changing for millions of people across the globe. #FranceKarate #AthletesSNCF #TeamFreeStyleLibre #healthtech #diabetes #TechForGood #CNN

“When you have a disease, it's important to have a...