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【#魔法部 搶先播送來自國外的祝福】 天啊~ 總統及副總統就職典禮才結束 小編就被私訊灌爆~~~ 到底是有埋什麼彩蛋嗎 🤔 怎麼大家都在問: 哪裡可以看到哪裡可以看到哪裡可以看到 今天早上典禮現場直播 辣個好多國家元首及政要恭賀的影片? 是說因為疫情的關係 小英總統與賴副總統 無法在520這天 跟各國元首政要相見high five! 於是世界各地的 #挺台好朋友 錄製了史上頭一遭 接龍祝福我們的 #台灣隊長! 好好好不囉唆~ 小編這就發布囉~ #聽說這只是簡短版 #完整大集合版敬請期待 #恭喜蔡總統 #賀喜賴副總統 The presidential and vice-presidential inauguration has just drawn to a close. You might have seen the film featuring world dignitaries broadcast during the event, congratulating them both, but if you missed it, don't worry, we've got you covered! Due to the #COVID19 epidemic, they were unable to greet the dignitaries in person, but we're sure this video warmed their hearts. This is the short version, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for the whole thing! #Taiwan520 #Congratulations

【#魔法部 搶先播送來自國外的祝福】 天啊~ 總統及副總統就職典禮才結束 小編就被私訊灌爆~~~ ...