關於date of expiry的評價, Joseph Prince
With every new year comes a new word from God that reveals the special blessing He wants to release ...
With every new year comes a new word from God that reveals the special blessing He wants to release ...
「年輕就是應該要怎樣」這類的話,妳聽膩了嗎?切記,未來的樣子妳自己定義!年齡,永遠無法限制妳! #changedestiny #ineverexpire #人生不設限...
「25歲了怎麼還沒交男朋友?」「30歲前一定要把自己嫁掉!」 妳曾經因為年齡而覺得受到社會侷限、備感...
With every new year comes a new word from God that...
《我去做 facial 係為左做facial,唔係為左俾你 sell 我架》 美容院sel...
Did you know that if you link your TNG card to you...
年紀到該嫁了、該生孩子了吧! 女孩們別被「保存期限」給困住了! 自己的人生由不得別人出一張嘴! 勇於...
😮😮过期了2-3天的面包不要丢掉‼很多人买了白面包,又来不及在expiry date前吃完,过后就丢...
Ramadan is the month of Quran, where the breath of...