關於france的評價, Cổ Động
KHÔNG AI BỎ ĐƯỢC HIP-HOP Block Party Dance Battle France ILL ABILITIES vs BLACK MARKET Nguồn: BBoy...
KHÔNG AI BỎ ĐƯỢC HIP-HOP Block Party Dance Battle France ILL ABILITIES vs BLACK MARKET Nguồn: BBoy...
我今天早上在香港電台英文台的《給香港的信》,向香港人警告政府和保皇黨企圖以「假新聞」作藉口而引入對互聯網內容審查! Beware: Hong Kong government and pro-esta...
Statement concerning Lancôme. / Déclaration au sujet de Lancôme. (English and french version/ Ver...
In Sorède, a small town in the south of France, an establishment for people with mental disabilities...
【TOKYO 2020 OLYMPIC GAMES BADMINTON Date: 7/24 to 8/2】 羽球小組賽 (小組P) 第三場將對上來自法國的齊雪霏,比賽時間將是7/28日早上8 點 ...
Youth ambassador Dylan Wang for Tour De France China Criterium. 111718 ...
Bonjour! Have arrived in Paris on an official visit to France at the invitation of President Emmanu...
「John, 我女兒Tiffany現在大一,能不能暑假到你們公司實習?她現在因為疫情的關係無法回去美國讀書」 「沒有問題啊,我們公司剛好缺國際業務,我就把她安排在業務團隊讓她試看看先做一些簡單的翻釋...
As part of the Dior men Fall 2020 collection, Dior and Kim Jones partnered with the iconic basketbal...
Bonjour! Have arrived in Paris on an official visit to France at the invitation of President Emmanu...