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The Last Day Of Chinese New Year🧧🧧 Just as you and I usher in lights, lanterns🏮🏮, fireworks 🧨 🧨 and other forms of illuminations to end this Chinese New Year 🧧🧧May this new year gives us the courage to fight the coronavirus fear with empathy, give us strength against racism and xenophobia, give us the power to be united and be more social cohesion and psychological resilience, let us be resolute, calm and give us new hopes, dreams and aspirations to guide our children ! ㊗️ 您元宵節快樂 ,團圓美🈵, 夢想成真!✨ “If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else. Frugality is the mother of prosperity. ” 🧧🧧 #元宵節快樂 #ChapGohMei #lastdayofCNY #qotd #Socialcohesion #resolute #phycologicalresilience #antiracism #antixenophobia #united #fightcorinavirus #chinesetradition #wellwishes #properity #goodhealth #goodfortune #blessed #rosannewong #rozybaby #drderekbaram Central Smile

The Last Day Of Chinese New Year🧧🧧 Just as you an...