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Video - Showering the Boys ... It used to be an easy job but nowadays since the PKP it takes me 45 minutes to shower the Boys - Haha ... They keep on running away ... Too much fun and activities during these lockdown ... all routine gone haywire .... Mandi lambat , Makan lambat , Tidur lambat , Bangun lambat ... Maybe I’m losing my self discipline too ... trying to keep them disciplined ! Good Morning Everyone ... Love As Always ... PS - TQ @raythifal_aq for the new sets of pyjamas .... Alhamdulillah PSS - Hows your kids at home ? Anyone has the same problem like me ... ? Do share ...

Video - Showering the Boys ... It used to be an ea...

Video - Covid test Dr Halina is now at 34 weeks of her pregnancy - Alhamdulillah Unfortunately she has to be admitted today for strict monitoring as her BP & Sugar levels are high which explains her puffiness . With twin pregnancy , your hormones become haywire and needs to be regulated . Be strong love . InsyaAllah everything will be at ease. Salam Everyone Love As Always PS - The things you need to do with your loved ones which include Covid test .... Do pray for us Everyone . Amiinn ....

Video - Covid test Dr Halina is now at 34 weeks ...