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Alhamdulillah, I’ve advanced to the next level in Ancient Greek! Last week, my Greek teacher gave me an additional textbook which dives headfirst into all the nitty gritty bits of the language. He told me that I would get through the standard textbook that we’re using quite quickly, so he’s also setting me work in this extra book to make it more challenging for me. And to be honest, I’m liking it a lot! It’s the 4th week of my Greek journey, and I’ve managed to maintain a full-mark streak for all my tests - Alhamdulillah, all praise is due to Allah and Him alone! Today, I have another test, so I thought I’d share a little peek of last night's revision session with my multilingual teacher - Mrs Mom! Thank you my 'didaskalos', Omar Mukhtar #thepawsomelion #GreekToTheNextLevel p/s: Can you spot what the word 'didaskalos' means in the video?

Alhamdulillah, I’ve advanced to the next level in ...