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#由實證研究看癌症治療一口價可行性 -基於本土資料的觀光醫療效益分析 文:陳信諭 醫師 壹、前言 ...

Thank you Astro "Alternatif" for this interview to talk about how it is being an influencer. Honestly, after graduating from my PR and Events Management degree I totally have no idea that being a social media influencer will lead to a career for me. I'm actually very honored and content being an influencer and grateful for all the opportunities given. I don't think its a shame or bad to be labeled as a social media influencer because being an influencer is not about being famous, it's about influencing and inspiring others. This is what I'm happy about my job, to inspire.

Thank you Astro "Alternatif" for this interview to...