使用kill + PID 就能將此排程從背景釋放,就能解決Port 被佔用的問題了! kill 14230. 鼓勵持續創作,支持化讚為賞!透過下方的Like 拍手 ,讓 ... ... <看更多>
使用kill + PID 就能將此排程從背景釋放,就能解決Port 被佔用的問題了! kill 14230. 鼓勵持續創作,支持化讚為賞!透過下方的Like 拍手 ,讓 ... ... <看更多>
This fuser 8080/tcp will print you PID of process bound on that port. And this fuser -k 8080/tcp will kill that process. Works on Linux only ... ... <看更多>
<?php $port = $argv[1]; if(!empty($port) && is_numeric($port) ){ $pid = trim(shell_exec("lsof ... ... <看更多>
to list all ports that are used. sudo netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN. # you can obtain a specific port using the following command. ... <看更多>
Unix & Linux: Kill process running on port 80The Question: This is the process I want to kill:sooorajjj ... ... <看更多>