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關於lash中文的評價, 小布少爺旅遊誌

龔少說:「你今天穿的好有氣質唷!」 我說:「因為我今天要去文青的清澄白河啊!」,我一大早還起床燙衣服,超認真(給我一個讚) 早上先換一間景色很厲害的平價飯店,就是為了這個景色才來住宿的,飯店頂樓可以...

Click in to watch the full video on IGTV for English Subs! Products used: 🤍 Rose Masquerade Clay Mask @klynn_official 🤍 Radiant Multi-Repair Oil @cledepeaubeaute 🤍 Age-Defying Advanced Moisturizing Creme @diorskincare Would like to give an honorary shoutout to @ilash_my for my new found brows! Putting in the time + effort on my skincare routine and with over a month of using the brow and lash serum, my skin is definitely showing solid results and am feeling extra confident sans makeup more than ever!! PS, Don’t poke fun at my 中文, it’s been a while since I had anyone to practice with and talking to yourself doesn’t count 😂

Click in to watch the full video on IGTV for Engli...