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關於loggerhead的評價, 國家地理雜誌

有民眾把一隻赤蠵龜(loggerhead sea turtle)海中拖上岸,還用腳踩在上面自拍 ,並用棍子敲打牠。還好黎巴嫩慈善組織 Animals Lebanon 將牠救下,並與獸醫團隊對牠進行救傷...

The theme of the work is loggerhead turtles. Malaysia is one of the important habitats of loggerhead turtles. The work uses the world's precious color-changing diaspore as the shell of the loggerhead turtles, symbolizing his rarity and preciousness. Pearls represent eggs and are inlaid with pearls. The falling head is from black to orange, representing darkness to dawn. The work symbolizes the continuation of life. The colored corundum on the left symbolizes coral, hoping to arouse people’s attention to marine conservation #stellaluojewelrydesign #taiwanjewelry #jewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewelrycustom #customjewelry #高級珠寶定製 #搭配 #時尚 #輕珠寶 #項鍊 #戒指 #耳環 #微時尚

The theme of the work is loggerhead turtles. Malay...