關於modelling的評價, Jordan Yeoh
2 million followers milestone Back then, people used to say that I couldn’t go any further in fit...
2 million followers milestone Back then, people used to say that I couldn’t go any further in fit...
I notice a lotta ppl thought I only do Party MC now. Actually I'm focusing more on that but I'm sti...
這次的紐約行將離開孩子們兩個星期,心裡亦是喜亦是憂。 從沒想過生完兩胎後的我還能繼續模特兒旅行的工作,雖說還是有接工作沒中斷過,但,能再回歸國際模特兒飛來飛去的工作軌道上就少了。 為了孩子們,曾經...
Sustainability is at the forefront of our planning. Our new estates reflect this. This Bloomberg art...
CON ĐƯỜNG NÀO CHO DÂN KINH TẾ? Link lưu bài: https://hannahed.co/con-duong-nao-cho-dan-kinh-te/ ...
[電子商務] 完全被掌握的消費者 - 我的高峰會感想 Adobe高峰會的一天行程通常是上午是Keynote大頭們講趨勢、商品發表這類大綱式的內容,中午過後是各自的45分鐘的各種細部主題。 五...
Enjoyed this short video on a fascinating artifact called the Antikythera Mechanism. Nowadays we thi...
CON ĐƯỜNG NÀO CHO DÂN KINH TẾ? Link lưu bài: https://hannahed.co/con-duong-nao-cho-dan-kinh-te/ ...
Sustainability is at the forefront of our planning. Our new estates reflect this. This Bloomberg art...
Pendaftaran untuk DZMS Modeling Agency akan diadakan pada Ahad 15 Jan 2012 di KL. Terbuka kepada ses...