

mountain range的相關標籤

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人生只要還沒到終點,我們的夢想也不會枯竭,追尋的腳步不停歇…👣👣👣 或苦或樂,勾勒成生命中起伏綿延的美麗稜線。 越是蓽路襤褸,這屬於自己的山脈,就越是崎峻銳利。 哪裡是我的下一步? 即使山嵐遮掩了我的視線,我仍時刻蓄勢待發。 As long as life has not end, our dreams will not be exhausted, and the pace of pursuit will not stop... Or bitter or happy, outlined into the beautiful ridges of our life. More difficult of the life road, and the own mountain range will more beautiful. Where is my next purpose? Even though cloud obscured my sight, I'm ready to go at any moment. #短腿魚攀高峰 #攀向沒有頂點的山

人生只要還沒到終點,我們的夢想也不會枯竭,追尋的腳步不停歇…👣👣👣 或苦或樂,勾勒成生命中起伏綿延...