關於sultry的評價, Robert Downey Jr
Sultry poses, part deux. #TBT ...
Sultry poses, part deux. #TBT ...
#MAC絲柔粉霧唇膏 大缺貨的Devoted to chili跟 Mull it over 補貨到啦!!! Devoted to chili這個顏色再試一次還是覺得美炸!擦起來就是性感時尚又厭...
Third and final installment of my historic "sultr...
I've always been good at sultry poses. #TBT ...
Such a spectacular time with the Omaze winners Am...
Making of the Machine Summer concert season is h...
Ouch! I beautifully bumped my head and was massag...
總結一下大家對這個妝的形容 像清純高中生的大學生的純慾仙女 太誇髒了吧! 欸我真的想哭,就畫個比較清...
New glowy & sultry makeup tutorial on my beauty c...
From sweet to sultry. @chomismaterialgirl does Ca...