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The sisters doing their acrobatic stunt on the trapeze. It's one of their favourite activities at @clubmedbintan and the reason why they would want to wake up early every morning. Lol. When the little sister went on her first attempt in March this year, she was afraid to let go of her hands during the upside down knee hang but just look at her now! It's really a case of practice makes perfect and I am glad to see how this brave girl has now overcome her fear of dropping and even managed to do a back flip. As for the big sister, being the dancer, she has always been the strong and flexible one in the family. Still, it gave me a shock when she tried to lift herself up for the knee hang and turned too much (see second part) such that she almost made a complete circle. The circus crew told her to let go but that would have meant the end of her chance to try so she surprised everyone in the audience by somehow managing to use her core strength and arm power to manoeuvre herself back to the correct position so that the show could go on. Phew! I would have twisted my arms already if that was me up there. Haha. Way to go, my dears! Hopefully both of you will inspire your little brother, who can finally join the Mini Club the next time we come, to try out the trapeze too. His answer is a "No" for now but let's see what happens next time. Till then! #ahappymum #clubmed #clubmedbintan #trapeze #kneehang #backflip #miniclub #6yo #10yo #sisters #ifyoucandoitIcandoittoo

The sisters doing their acrobatic stunt on the tra...