Videlicet playing their song "Live Out a Lie" at REAL ART TACOMA 28 Sept 2016. ... <看更多>
Videlicet playing their song "Live Out a Lie" at REAL ART TACOMA 28 Sept 2016. ... <看更多>
videlicet. A Vidding Zine March 24 2017. Featuring: albymangroves, astolat, bironic, bradcpu, cathexys, gwyneth, hollywoodgrrl, kiki miserychic, lim, loki, ... ... <看更多>
viz. 1530s, abbreviation of videlicet [2.] "that is to say, to wit, namely" (mid-15c.), from Latin videlicet, contraction of videre licet ... ... <看更多>
Videlicet Website Design. 12 likes. Wordpress website mobile-responsive/updates & repair (LOCAL office - no outsourcing) ... <看更多>