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為什麼我想成為一名設計師? 因為設計可以賦予人以更大的力量和不同的形式分享快樂並鼓勵大家可以用與眾不同展現各種的美!在這次規劃台灣設計展屏東之夜超級狂的fashion show 我更加肯定我自己在這份工作中得以一份小小的力量為自己也幫助人們成就不同的想像與夢想!每個人都是獨一無二的!我感到非常榮幸可以和屏東縣政府完成這一項任務、以人為本將設計發揮最大的意義、除了再次感謝協助我完成這非凡項目的所有夥伴們、我真心感謝屏東縣潘縣長、社會處、文化處對我們團隊給予的支持及力量!最最感謝的是我21 位的超級模特兒!您們讓我看見人生舞台中最美的風景是~愛及感恩! 超級愛超級狂萬歲❤ Why do I want to be a designer? Because design can provide people with more strength, to share happiness in diverse forms, and to encourage everyone to show their own limitless unique beauty! In the planning of Taiwan Design Expo Super Wild Fashion Show, I am even more certain that with a small strength given, we are capable to help individuals achieve big dreams and unlimited imaginations! Everyone is an unique entity! I feel very honored to be able to complete this project with the Pingtung County Government, and to make the most out of the people-oriented design process. In addition to thanking all the partners who have helped me to complete this extraordinary project, I sincerely thank Pingtung County Government, and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Culture for the full support and strength. Extremely grateful to our 21 supermodels! You allowed me to see the most beautiful scenery on stage in life is love and gratitude! Super love Super Wild Rules❤ #台灣設計展在屏東 #超級南 #超級狂服裝秀 #超感動 #台灣設計展x屏東超級南 #DanielWong #FashionShow #屏東縣政府 #超級模特兒

為什麼我想成為一名設計師? 因為設計可以賦予人以更大的力量和不同的形式分享快樂並鼓勵大家可以用與眾不...