口琴節 在 口袋裡的琴聲 - 2018天狼星口琴樂團春季巡演宣傳影片 的影片資訊
2018天狼星口琴樂團巡演各場次: 1/27(六) 18:30入場 |新竹縣文化局演藝廳|兩廳院售票(150元不劃位) 4/14(六)19:00入場|基隆文化中心演藝廳|兩廳院售票(150元不劃位)...
2018天狼星口琴樂團巡演各場次: 1/27(六) 18:30入場 |新竹縣文化局演藝廳|兩廳院售票(150元不劃位) 4/14(六)19:00入場|基隆文化中心演藝廳|兩廳院售票(150元不劃位)...
對我而言,2017是充滿「改變」的一年, 這些改變當中,大部分是無法抗拒的,尤其是生離死別。 逝去令人扼腕,但我仍相信那曾存在的美麗具有不可抹滅的價值, 因為曾經存在,那份美將化成記憶中的永恆,並成為...
A live recording on the tune Schindler's List by John William with the one of the most promising cla...
A live recording on the tune Intermezzo Giocoso by Rudolf Wuthner with the one of the most promising...
Ho Cheuk-Yin, Leo Leo is a twenty-one-year-old emerging chromatic harmonica virtuoso player, who ha...
Ho Cheuk-Yin, Leo Leo is a twenty-one-year-old emerging chromatic harmonica virtuoso player, who ha...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo TRUTH by T-square Ho Cheuk-Yin, Leo Leo is a nineteen-y...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo Photo Credit to Teeny Life Photography, Link below, htt...
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo Guitarist - Jacky Pianist - Ting Percussion - Kelvi...
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CyLeoHo Pianist - Ting Percussion - Kelvin Bass - Danny Pe...