快樂 鼠 尾 草 精油 在 大花咸豐草皂 - Making soaps with the weed: Spanish Needles Bidens alba - 手工皂 的影片資訊
Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. ...
Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. ...
Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. ...
山艾葉聽起來好陌生,那鼠尾草呢?但鼠尾草光是種類至少有 900 多種,再縮小範圍到藥用鼠尾草,你可能還是不懂是哪種鼠尾草,今天就來聊聊精油的鼠尾草、觀賞的鼠尾草、藥用的鼠尾草跟料理的鼠尾草,讓你馬上懂...
【配方Recipe】 橄欖油/olive oil: 480g 甜杏仁油/sweet almond oil: 480g 椰子油/coconut oil: 320g 乳油木果脂/shea butter: ...
Soap Challenge Club👉https://soapchallengeclub.com/ 【配方Recipe】 橄欖油/olive oil: 270g 甜杏仁油/sweet almond...
??: 我唔開心呀 ? ??: 點唔開心法呀? ??: 唔知呀,總之冇mood啦!有啲咩香薰可以令人開心啲呢? ??: 咁不如一齊睇吓片揀番幾隻啱妳架啦! 緩和憤怒情緒?適用精油: 羅馬洋甘菊* 德...
用了就愛上的VINATA啤酒花香氛皂 小蒼蘭保濕美白、蓮香控油去角質、薰衣草療癒放鬆心情,看我怎麼使用這三款香氛皂讓洗澡成為一天最享受的時刻 產品資訊: https://bitly.com/2SkOy...
【配方/Recipe】 甜杏仁油/sweet almond oil: 300g 橄欖油/olive oil: 450g 椰子油/coconut oil: 300g 棕櫚油/palm oil: 300g...
訂閱頻道👉https://goo.gl/chz3Dp 橄欖油/olive oil: 720g 椰子油/coconut oil: 140g 可可脂/cocoa butter: 70g 棕櫚油/palm...