殼子店case 在 GRWM | 跟我一起準備去咖啡店- 特別篇? Kombucha & 限定抹茶店? 的影片資訊
∞ P R O D U C T ∞ ↣ Chanel | Anti-pollution cleansing cream to foam | https://bit.ly/2GCC8Sd ↣ Fresh...
∞ P R O D U C T ∞ ↣ Chanel | Anti-pollution cleansing cream to foam | https://bit.ly/2GCC8Sd ↣ Fresh...
? Ana Luisa Jewelry, starting at $39. Check their designs here ? https://www.analuisa.com/angelami...
第一集 ☕︎: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqfORRTKkD4&t=239s&ab_channel=ANGELAMIUZ 第二集 ☕︎: https://ww...
∞ P R O D U C T L I S T ∞ Clinique - 72 小時自我修護水嫩補濕啫喱 https://bit.ly/2Dx4Z90 Darphin - 玫瑰修護精華油面霜 ...
蛋 Egg 1 糖 White Sugar 1 table spoon 鹽 Salt 2g 油 Oil 1 table spoon 奶 Milk 100g 蘇打粉 Baking Soda 2g 低筋麵...
? (自費) Package link : https://www.cordishotels.com/en/hong-... 我地比左$200 upgrade去Studio room架,因為佢上...
第二集黎啦!因為第一集反應好好 所以應該會再一直拍落去? 事關自己都好鐘意去coffee shop,所以有鐘意既一定同大家分享! 第一集: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
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✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 【全自購】 DIVINE SKIES https://www.emcosmetics.com/products/divine-skies HEAVEN...
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