跟 老闆 one on one 在 Ep41.讀書會|什麼是定型心態與成長心態,命運之鑰|如何尋求職場真實反饋迅速突破|一分鐘商業英文One-Minute Business English 的影片資訊
本集聲沙請慎入。你是否想過請主管同事吃誠實豆沙包,來讓自己更進步突破? 連貫第40集,本集作者教我們如何採樣,尋求真實反饋的步驟step by step以及範本。了解自己的職場招牌優勢,校准你的優勢和...
本集聲沙請慎入。你是否想過請主管同事吃誠實豆沙包,來讓自己更進步突破? 連貫第40集,本集作者教我們如何採樣,尋求真實反饋的步驟step by step以及範本。了解自己的職場招牌優勢,校准你的優勢和...
Goldfish Street, also known as Goldfish Market, is a section of Tung Choi Street in Mong Kok that st...
After getting its Michelin star back in January, The Chairman claimed the top spot for Asia’s 50 Bes...
Perched on the hillside in the west of Hong Kong Island is the 200-year-old Pokfulam Village, home t...
Hong Kong is teemed with rubbish bins of all sorts, totalling 42,000 in 2014 – meaning one for every...
While calligraphy advertisements are scattered across Hong Kong, none others are as ubiquitous as th...
食譜: https://bit.ly/2Yq8ipv 材料: 大蝦1斤 粉絲2小包 蒜茸1小碗 薑茸1湯羹 葱適量 辣椒適量 芫荽適量 自製辣底1小碗 醬汁: 水1碗、蠔油2湯匙、生抽及老抽各1湯...
Grams28絕大部分產品,就連快將面世的背囊都是全人手製作。 重點是全香港人手製作!!! 產品極具質感,我真心大推。 本片絕不是收費業配~我真心喜愛這個品牌與品牌老闆的理念。 所以我非常樂意自己贊助...
Launched in 1904, Hong Kong Tramways is one of the earliest forms of public transport in the metropo...
Back in the colonial era, British-born dominated Hong Kong’s senior government posts, including the ...