alex英文發音 在 外國朋友的吃喝玩樂在台灣!Friends FOOD and FUN in TAIWAN! 的影片資訊
Join me and a group of my friends as we get invited to eat amazing food, drink a 'few' beers and pla...
Join me and a group of my friends as we get invited to eat amazing food, drink a 'few' beers and pla...
Come on bro!英文...唔係咁學嘅! 開我哋 Wall Street English app,隨時隨地用手機做功課,有唔明就問我哋外籍英語導師;睇我哋744段荷里活「高汁」教學短片,示範正...
今次搵嚟 Wall Street English 英語導師 Justin 教你正確將嗰四句中文翻譯成英文。有個專業可靠人士教你 ─ 學英文,無難度! 有埋Wall Street English 學成...
我可以在這部影片中與誰見面? 加入我在中央台灣忙碌而有趣的一天! 是小貝! 我不能保守秘密!!!! Who could I possibly be meeting up with in this v...
I got given some meal tickets for a meal at a restaurant that serves SIX course meals! What a beauti...
我的英文發音課程 ▶ 然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 訂閱連結 ▶ FB ▶ https:/...