am daily 在 脫北女孩朴研美,是怎麼逃出北韓的?為了活下去,要付出什麼代價?《七七說書》EP014|志祺七七 的影片資訊
本集廣告與 「【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱」合作播出 【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱,是專們為台灣孩子打造的在地原創素養教材,內容針對台灣情境設計。 #芒狗狗素養教育學習箱 #讓孩子的潛力發光 👉🏻 現在參與...
本集廣告與 「【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱」合作播出 【芒狗狗】素養教育學習箱,是專們為台灣孩子打造的在地原創素養教材,內容針對台灣情境設計。 #芒狗狗素養教育學習箱 #讓孩子的潛力發光 👉🏻 現在參與...
GIVEAWAY Starting a new series here where I share with you guys my skincare recommendations for dif...
Hey guys! Since moving to London i have moved around a couple rented flats and enjoyed getting to kn...
2021/06/11(野史型紀實、上碼;Coding) 333、 「莊稼神說鬼」之”地縛靈”、 大地素材的淤滯與破枉死城 (時空環繞金球系列、野史型紀實; Documentary) /.王大喜(Ra...
I would like to introduce you my favourite childhood dish: The Best Minced Beef Rice (Bolognese in ...
The thought of taking my children solo on holiday used to make me so sad and scared. After a beautif...
[NEW] Relieve neck stiffness in 3 seconds! "Eliminate back pain and s...
Pinterest galore!!! hehe i'm feeling trendyyyyy this week! here are some of my favourite go to eye l...
Hi guys! I am back after a month (or maybe more than that ;p). My focus was totally at my new job so...
So, one of the common and frequently asked questions on the channel is actually a non “tech-related”...