art is life 在 Solo Trip to Tokyo / cafe in tokyo, art gallery & gender equality 的影片資訊
I took myself out on a solo trip for the day in tokyo and visited my favorite cafe in nakameguro and...
I took myself out on a solo trip for the day in tokyo and visited my favorite cafe in nakameguro and...
After 6 long months, here's a round of applause to @Boomlore for being the guinea pig in this video ...
#桃園#青埔#書法公園 大園區橫山書法公園暨書法藝術館,位於青埔地區「5-8號陂塘公園」的東北角,大成路二段與大仁路交接處,館區面積約27701平方公尺,為地下1層、地上2層建築物,總樓地板面積29...
Stream drowning: StreetVoice:
#JayChou #周杰倫 #范特西 @周杰倫 Jay Chou 這次很高興能夠受邀來上海的「生活.范特西」探展,地點在上海外灘的复星藝術中心,作者蔡贇驊老師的藝術展中結合藝術、科技與音樂,當中...
+訂閱我的Youtube頻道 ❚ Social Media;社群平台 Instagram @thereginatw https://instagram.c...
初戀 DokiDoki Florence 是一場持續約 30 分鐘的心動體驗。故事很簡短,但意義很深遠。 25 歲的 Florence Yeoh 對生活感到困惑。她的生活是日復一日地工作、睡覺,以...
Why I left New York & tips re moving to Japan. ☆★support my channel & join my Discord: https://tinyu...
A fresh preview clip of my 2015's debut album [Restless Heart]. Released on March 12, 2015 Thank yo...
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