assistance in 在 Little Hope《黑相集:稀望鎮》Part 3 - 膽小鬼 【附前情提要】 的影片資訊
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
Welcome again to Yayasan Pillar Shared Giving or #KongsiBersedekah program. This is our 5th series w...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator, who re...
拍攝最怕遇到三樣東西。老人,小孩,動物。而這部電影我們三樣都有?。 第九集了! 大家要聽這位私人助理講廢話的時日無多了。。。We really don't want to abuse animals,...
意外事故發生現場你會看到兩種人,一種是逃跑的,另一種是反而走上前去看熱鬧的... 請問很好看嗎?又不是車禍現場有四個號碼...? Our local film production does not ...
當你在抱怨你的生活,覺得自己的命很苦的時候。你不妨來看看我們拍攝電影的人是怎樣過日子的,你或許會好受一點。。。We shoot from night to day, day to night. Wo...
記者會辦不好,安排有問題,得罪了記者是很嚴重的... 馬來西亞媒體本就已經不是很喜歡我了... 現在我也不知道怎麼辦。 Actually this is the first time I lost m...
不是每個人都受得了跟我一起工作... 應該說“大部分人”都很難跟我一起工作,因為我工作的時候沒有在跟你開玩笑的。我對動物好,但我對人是很殘忍的,包括我自己。所以請粉絲朋友們不要一直來說要跟我一起工作了...
Making a movie is not easy. We need to often go to some terrible places. 助理側拍都一直拍到我在睡覺的畫面,不是因為我愛睡,是因...