be you quotes 在 兩年前講過的說話,今日最啱聽? ... 重溫對我影響極大的《巴菲特的五個名言》 - 兩年前社運初期錄影,還未有肺炎,但內容回望絕對正確(無變)! 的影片資訊
突然睡覺前 youtube popup 近兩年前在波士頓錄過的片。社運初期,還未有肺炎,現在回望內容絕對正確,令我特別深深感動! 和你重溫對我影響極大的《巴菲特的五個名言》: 正面思維,有危有機《巴...
突然睡覺前 youtube popup 近兩年前在波士頓錄過的片。社運初期,還未有肺炎,現在回望內容絕對正確,令我特別深深感動! 和你重溫對我影響極大的《巴菲特的五個名言》: 正面思維,有危有機《巴...
Timestamps 00:00 - 00:55 A Quick Hello & Catch Up! ?? 00:57 - 01:23 My 2nd semester was crazyyyyy ?...
Deborah Henry... She has shared so many valuable quotes.. I have to share all of them here... "H...
About Chatterbox Podcast 👏Book Review👏: 主持人Elise每個月將會挑選一本書,在podcast上簡短介紹並分享心得,與聽眾一起發掘好書! Have you e...
Don't be fooled fam, there's a LOT more involved than just monthly payments! This episode's timesta...
When was the last time you did something nice for your parents? Subscribe for more videos: https://...
I hope me wife does not see this. Today, I went on a date with my Singaporean mother in law. Our pla...
HEY GLO-UP DARLING! How's are you guys doing today? LET'S BE FRIENDS ! Instagram https://www...
If People Underestimate You, It’s Not Your Fault. It’s Just Because You Were Never Taught An In-Dema...
Once You Know The Truth About Financial Freedom And What To Do Instead, You Can Discover All Of Dan’...